Inglourious Basterds


Sounds like you felt like I did after reading the script..

In the script there was quite a nasty scene where they killed a bunch of caged dogs, did that make into the film?
Brad Pitt is the most overrated actor in all Hollywood, so I think I will skip this movie.
Well that's one saving grace as it was a fairly despicable scene. Interesting to note that you also found that the Basterds come across as the bad guys and not in a good way.

When they were touting the film at Cannes and Eli Roth was all 'It's Kosher Torture' I was kind of like 'I'm sorry but when exactly is torture ever justified?'
Well, my interest has been lessened.

I'll probably not see it until it comes on DVD anyways.
Well that's one saving grace as it was a fairly despicable scene. Interesting to note that you also found that the Basterds come across as the bad guys and not in a good way.

When they were touting the film at Cannes and Eli Roth was all 'It's Kosher Torture' I was kind of like 'I'm sorry but when exactly is torture ever justified?'

I think the biggest evidence of this is 2 big scenes:

1. the film ends with brad pitt marking colonel landa and looking especially happy with himself however this is after the colonel has defected :flame:
2. the scene where one basterd beats a guy with a baseball bat and is just plain enjoying himself too much.

Although some people laughed at scenes like those especially the first one >_>

Also I did not notice anywhere in the film any reasoning behind the misspelling of the title just in case anyone was wondering.

Yeah the degree of malicious/childish sadism that oozed out of the script was hard to take, plus the whole alternative end to the war was in my view extremely disrespectful to the those who lost their lives fighting it. Some things in my view are beyond making light of, and that's one of them.

I guess Tarantino would argue that 'They're Nazis, they don't deserve to be treated like humans or fairly' but the kind of old testament eye for an eye mentality is just plain wrong, and making a film where its encouraged without consequence is just irresponsible in my view.
Just got back from a screening, and I loved it! The bar room scene must have been about 40 minutes long, but I loved every second. And the climax is just pure, unadulterated grindhouse.
I'll admit the bar room scene was really cool forgot to mention that one actually but no I hated that ending :|
Going to see it tonight. Was meant to go see it on Wednesday but for some stupid ****ing reason the cinema here thought putting a measly four showings up on a opening night of a Tarantino film would be a smart move. Place was close to breaking point with how many people there were inside and outside the main entrance.
There actually weren't a whole lot of people when I went with some buddies, the theater was maybe half-full. We went at midnight.
Gonna go see this tonight hopefully. Can't ****ing wait.
Fantastic film. I don't really know what else to say as the mind, it boggles.
Just got back from watching it. It was a fantastic movie. Everyone I was with loved it as well.
Saw it today. Loved it. My only problem was that the gore/violence was a little excessive in some parts.

like when he shoots Hitler's face and it gets turned to pulp

Also, I don't really see how the ending was disrespectful.
I totally disagree about the movie be disrespectful. That's the beauty of movies, coming up with something of your own rather that following history to a T.
That's stupid. If any of those fifteen non-fictonal assassination attempts on hitler's life been successful, would those have been disrespectful to the soldiers that died? I don't ****ing think so.
I find it incredibly disrespectful because all tarnatino has done is replace history with his own childish and stupid version.

He thinks:

Yeah hitler dying in a ditch is boring, let's go the michael bay route guys! We need someone to shoot his face off!!

I'm not saying hitler doesn't deserve to die that's just wrong but what I am saying is that advocating (or in my mind enjoying) this crap where nazis are being eradicated by a force which in this movie are portrayed much worse than the nazis are (and in fact the nazis are almost sympathetical considering the performance of colonel landa) is wrong. You can't as kadayi said just replace one form of "an eye for an eye" and replace it with a grislier other and that makes it all morally right.

That's why I find it disrespectful to think of the millions dead in WWII not even being a footnote in this film just for QT to blow **** up in any way he wants to. The movie had no real human toll in it apart from all the germans dying, especially the scene where they are
butchered in the cinema
and the movie almost made the idea of ending the war sound very easy :dozey:
seems to me that the director was intentionally portraying the germans as sympathetic, even throwing in a bit of irony at the end. The audience was uproarious and eating away at the massacre of people they saw on the screen. later, the audience (the nazis) itself is shot and burned to death, which we the actual audience is supposedly laughing up.
That's stupid. If any of those fifteen non-fictonal assassination attempts on hitler's life been successful, would those have been disrespectful to the soldiers that died? I don't ****ing think so.

LOL. You do realise that if any of the 15 real attempts on Hitlers life had been successful that history as we know it would of been changed yes? So a lot of men and women who did die probably never would of. However QT rewriting history so that Brad Pitt & Eli Roth kill Hitler and win WW2, doesn't really rewrite the history books, but it does kind of diminish the sacrifices of those who did win WW2, esp when its done for cheap laughs. :rolleyes:
Any resemblance to real people living or dead are purely coincidential?
LOL. You do realise that if any of the 15 real attempts on Hitlers life had been successful that history as we know it would of been changed yes? So a lot of men and women who did die probably never would of. However QT rewriting history so that Brad Pitt & Eli Roth kill Hitler and win WW2, doesn't really rewrite the history books, but it does kind of diminish the sacrifices of those who did win WW2, esp when its done for cheap laughs. :rolleyes:

Yeah yeah, if if if.
I find it incredibly disrespectful because all tarnatino has done is replace history with his own childish and stupid version.

He thinks:
Yeah hitler dying in a ditch is boring, let's go the michael bay route guys! We need someone to shoot his face off!!

I'm not saying hitler doesn't deserve to die that's just wrong but what I am saying is that advocating (or in my mind enjoying) this crap where nazis are being eradicated by a force which in this movie are portrayed much worse than the nazis are (and in fact the nazis are almost sympathetical considering the performance of colonel landa) is wrong. You can't as kadayi said just replace one form of "an eye for an eye" and replace it with a grislier other and that makes it all morally right.

That's why I find it disrespectful to think of the millions dead in WWII not even being a footnote in this film just for QT to blow **** up in any way he wants to. The movie had no real human toll in it apart from all the germans dying, especially the scene where they are
butchered in the cinema
and the movie almost made the idea of ending the war sound very easy :dozey:

I don't think that was the point.

The cinema scene has a ton more depth than meets the eye. The Germans laughed at the mindless slaughter of American soldiers. We, the American viewers, consider the nazis evil, so we naturally think to ourselves, "How despicable! They're actually laughing at the deaths of those Americans?" I think you see where this is going.

The audience's laughter at the slaughter of all the nazis in the cinema + the utter perforation of Hitler, or ANY time a German soldier is laid to waste, proved that we're hypocrites. I'm sure this was deliberate on QT's part. It wasn't about glorifying a fictitious death to make it "uber awesome."
I don't think that was the point.

The cinema scene has a ton more depth than meets the eye. The Germans laughed at the mindless slaughter of American soldiers. We, the American viewers, consider the nazis evil, so we naturally think to ourselves, "How despicable! They're actually laughing at the deaths of those Americans?" I think you see where this is going.

The audience's laughter at the slaughter of all the nazis in the cinema + the utter perforation of Hitler, or ANY time a German soldier is laid to waste, proved that we're hypocrites. I'm sure this was deliberate on QT's part. It wasn't about glorifying a fictitious death to make it "uber awesome."

True point but I saw that as I sat there and just found it A) not funny everyone else was laughing as you said but I definitely wasn't and B) to be QT's usual pretentiousness (also IMO is the scenes where he seems to get in to too much depth on cinema industry and workings).
I don't think that was the point.

The cinema scene has a ton more depth than meets the eye. The Germans laughed at the mindless slaughter of American soldiers. We, the American viewers, consider the nazis evil, so we naturally think to ourselves, "How despicable! They're actually laughing at the deaths of those Americans?" I think you see where this is going.

The audience's laughter at the slaughter of all the nazis in the cinema + the utter perforation of Hitler, or ANY time a German soldier is laid to waste, proved that we're hypocrites. I'm sure this was deliberate on QT's part.

I think that was clever, but it hinges on the hope that your audience is aware of what you're doing, like your characters and aren't
appalled at your lead characters prior murders.

It worked well for this, as there are clear, obvious parallel's to be drawn in the film that clarify it's intention. However I personally think this kind of thing leads to a lot of really badly done "messages" and "commentary" in cinema. It also leads to a lot of pretentious wankery from film buffs who begin to excuse shitty films/writing because they're "critiquing" society or genre conventions in some way, shape or form.

In this case, it looks to me like people are applauding Tarantino for achieving some clever commentary on WW2 films in his film, while ignoring some of the more important writing problems it has.
The question is: was it thoroughly entertaining and did it feel entirely worth the price of admission?
I found parts entertaining but that was countered by how sickened I was of it as well.
I think it's worth the admission price just for Colonel Linda, who is a fantastic villain. It's a little tasteless at times but I think that's with good reason.
man, i loved that movie. not as much as pulp fiction, but i cant wait for quentin's next.
Most of QT's movies are sickening and tasteless so it's nothing new really.(unless it borders on Saw/Hostel levels of sickening)
I just think you guys are reading into this too much. If you enjoyed it, then good for you. If not, better luck next time.

PS: you guys keep saying that the ending is QT's childish version of history, but I thought he was just the director. Did he write the film as well?
I find it incredibly disrespectful because all tarnatino has done is replace history with his own childish and stupid version.
LOL. You do realise that if any of the 15 real attempts on Hitlers life had been successful that history as we know it would of been changed yes? So a lot of men and women who did die probably never would of. However QT rewriting history so that Brad Pitt & Eli Roth kill Hitler and win WW2, doesn't really rewrite the history books, but it does kind of diminish the sacrifices of those who did win WW2, esp when its done for cheap laughs. :rolleyes:

Welcome to the world of fiction, gentlemen. You do not have the right to not be offended.