Inglourious Basterds

Do you have to squint to read or something? I don't really have a problem reading subtitles and watching the movie at the same time.

I also like how Dog's response to like six people saying "You're an idiot" is basically "NOU".

No one gave me trouble besides you, Samon, and lefty, and lefty seems understanding now, anyways..

I don't mind being called an idiot when I'm being an idiot, but when I don't like to read subtitles? Really?
Wow, Dog.
I never minded subtitles since I'm somewhat hard of hearing but honestly, they hardly detract from the overall film.

But, hating a film because you HAVE to read subtitles to understand what they're saying? Man, you must have missed out on a ton of great films all because of that.
No one gave me trouble besides you, Samon, and lefty, and lefty seems understanding now, anyways..

I don't mind being called an idiot when I'm being an idiot, but when I don't like to read subtitles? Really?

Antipop and Harry are more diplomatic, it doesn't mean they weren't thinking it!

And yes, unless you have the literacy of a 9 year old, subtitles shouldn't take away from the film. You say you're good at reading, but I'm not so sure. I really don't understand why it would give anyone such a problem, unless they had really awful vision or were close to illiterate. Maybe I'm just used to subtitles.

Also, what Lucid said. You must have missed out on some amazing foreign films.
Most films it doesn't bother me (like I said Ong Bak = awesome, old skool kung fu movies = awesome), but this movie is like 99% talking, and they may as well make it into a book, then just read that. Put some picture of the characters somewhere around there.. Same thing.
You mustn't read much (or at all) if you think watching this film was anything like reading a book.
Can we please just lock the thread? You guys have ruined the movie for me. I won't be coming back in here.
...because I don't like movies with subtitles? I don't like to read while WATCHING a movie? Why wouldn't I just get a book?

Why should I LISTEN to a film when I could be WATCHING it?

Seriously, it's not that hard to read while watching a film. Most films, fortunately don't have lines and lines and lines of dialogue subtitled because most films don't have that much dialogue. Maybe a documentary might be exhausting to watch but narrative films tend to be far more visual than anything else.

By denying a film chance because it has subtitles, you're only denying yourself some of the best films ever made, not to mention a massive range of fantastic foreign and superior cinema to what mainstream Hollywood pumps out.

Because of subtitles you're missing out on:

The Host (one of Quentin Tarantino's favourite films of the past decade)
Battle Royale (ehhh, you might not be missing too much here actually)
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring
The Lives of Others
Seven Samurai
4 Months 3 Weeks 2 Days

and this is just off the top of my head. These are all vastly, vastly entertaining and fantastic films you're missing out on because you can't be bothered to employ just a little more extra brain power while watching a film.

You should seriously give it a shot more often, especially if you're a person who (like everyone) hates Hollywood remaking the same films year after year for no apparent reason. (Really Hollywood? Death at a Funeral remake two years after it came out? Because the original is BRITISH?)

These days I try really hard to avoid insulting people on the net, but if you honestly don't want to watch films with subtitles, you are a moron.
For me, foreign languages add a natural, authentic and exotic edge to a film, rather than detracting from it. Subtitles have never bothered me, whereas dubbing ruins it (except when intentional as in the old Spaghetti's). I can't speak German and know very little French, but I can usually get the gist of what's being said if I miss the odd subtitled word. Can't understand how anyone can't read and watch the picture at the same time. You people shouldn't be allowed to operate machinery or vehicles of any kind. ever.

nostalgic lol.
I haven't seen the film, nor do I know very much about it (though it's Tarantino so I am inclined to believe it is dire), but what an ignorant little twerp you are.

Wow, what the hell happened to you, Samon?
I really want to see this movie.

Finally saw it. The trailers are a bit misleading. Don't expect much action, ala Kill Bill.
I love the fact that the majority of the movie is spoken in genuine french and german instead of them utilizing some cheesy and cliched accents.
Great dialogue as always by Tarantino but what a performance by Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa. Even after all the terrible things his character has done, you will still find him irresistible charming and funny as well. He is also multi lingual. Which paid off quite well for this and creates some of the most memorable and humorous scenes of the movie.

I pissed myself laughing when he shocked the disguised Basterds by responding and questioning them in Italian

Even if you are not a fan of these type of movies or any of Tarantino's work for that matter.
Just go see it for Waltz's performance alone. You won't regret it.
Even if you are not a fan of these type of movies or any of Tarantino's work for that matter.
Just go see it for Waltz's performance alone. You won't regret it.

This. A thousand times.
Even if you are not a fan of these type of movies or any of Tarantino's work for that matter. Just go see it for Waltz's performance alone. You won't regret it.

He's very good, but otherwise the film is a bit of a mess. I went and saw it again and its just not a patch on PF.
You saw it twice kad? Yeah he is really good but I don't want to see it again just for him :|
I've seen it twice, my brother saw it twice and my girlfriend has seen it twice. It's a really great film.
Unless I missed a couple of posts, nobody here has claimed that it is a patch on Pulp Fiction. What my little rolleyes friend was trying to indicate is that your clearly unhealthy and alarming obsessive / paranoid hate campaign towards the guy who directed it is fogging your ability to judge the film on it's own merits. I suggest cutting back on the dope before you fry too many more braincells.
Its not. Please feel free to convince me otherwise those with some erudite arguments though.

Yeah, got to say even if I was not offended by this film and did enjoy it it is not close to PF come on.
I think I partly enjoyed this film more than I might have done otherwise because the more recent Tarantino films were lacking something special for me. I did enjoy the first Kill Bill, but found the sequel and Death Proof a little poor. This is just a solid entertaining movie that winks at you and then floors you with an audacious scene, line or moment, but what has impressed me more is that it was shot on a really tight schedule, and on a pretty average budget for a big modern film (starring a big name). I'm really pleased its doing well at the box office too, has already made well over its budget back and I think is only the second Tarantino film to make $100 million (after Pulp Fiction).
Unless I missed a couple of posts, nobody here has claimed that it is a patch on Pulp Fiction. What my little rolleyes friend was trying to indicate is that your clearly unhealthy and alarming obsessive / paranoid hate campaign towards the guy who directed it is fogging your ability to judge the film on it's own merits. I suggest cutting back on the dope before you fry too many more braincells.

Expressing disappointment with a once beloved directors career trajectory & latest output is hardly a hate campaign.
That's just stupid. I don't see how Quentin not living up to your expectations makes IB a bad movie. Okay its not as good as Pulp Fiction. So what? It was still a good movie.

I mean to be honest I don't even know what you think about Inglorious Bastards because its obvious your entire view of the movie is based off the fact that you were hating on the damn thing before it even came out and that QT hasn't made a good movie since Pulp Fiction. I mean what do you want from the guy? Pulp Fiction 2: The Pulpening?
Stupid? Hardly. I'd pretty much say its a universal expectation by everyone fanbois and film critics alike that he make a film that is better than Pulp fiction both commercially & critically. Fact of the matter is, neither KB, DP or IB have turned out to be that movie. That you personally think its a good movie is fine, personally I don't think its any great shakes, but for my money the heart of the problem is that QT is simply trading on familiar obsessions rather than truly challenging himself by stepping outside his comfort zone as a film maker, and whilst he continues down that path he will never receive the critical acclaim he could.

I'd like to see say QT helm the next Bond Film, or make a comedy, or an authentic period drama, or biopic, or just about anything that didn't simply involve a film that consists of chapters comprised of long talkie parts and inevitable flashes of violence at the end of each of them, whilst throwing in a bunch of 70s film references, and borrowed music.
I'd like to see say QT helm the next Bond Film, or make a comedy, or an authentic period drama, or biopic, or just about anything that didn't simply involve a film that consists of chapters comprised of long talkie parts and inevitable flashes of violence at the end of each of them, whilst throwing in a bunch of 70s film references, and borrowed music.

You probably know already, but Casino Royale reboot was his idea. Also, your in luck -
You probably know already, but Casino Royale reboot was his idea

I assume you're referring to this article:-

QT claims a lot of things, but rebooting Bond with Casino Royale as a starting point has much more to do with the fact that its the First Bond Novel and the 1967 film version was a parody piece (Broccoli & Saltzman didn't own the rights at the time) made to cash in on the success of the early Bond films with Sean Connery. Casino Royale introduces us to Bond at the beginning of his career when he is still the 'blunt instrument' that M refers to rather than the finished product of the later novels.
just read this on imdb about Mr T:

"...Is a huge fan of the Half-Life computer game series, and has considered possibilities of directing a movie adaptation...."

I realise it's not likely, but I'm gonna start praying, at the very least it would tick some boxes in Kadayi's proposed diversity list for Quentin.
Just saw it tonight. Great film, there was commentary left and right and some really great shots and lines. Christopher Waltz and Martin Wuttke were ****ing fantastic. Eli Roth could have been better, and I didn't care for the performances of Brad Pitt and B.J. Novak, though their characters were fine. I might see it again next week.
I'd like to see say QT helm the next Bond Film, or make a comedy, or an authentic period drama, or biopic, or just about anything that didn't simply involve a film that consists of chapters comprised of long talkie parts and inevitable flashes of violence at the end of each of them, whilst throwing in a bunch of 70s film references, and borrowed music.

I disagree with you about IB (as I think it's flawed but great) but I definitely agree with you here and would prefer if Tarantino's next film was one that he made outside of his comfort zone for a change.
I disagree with you about IB (as I think it's flawed but great) but I definitely agree with you here and would prefer if Tarantino's next film was one that he made outside of his comfort zone for a change.

Sparta can you elaborate as to why you say its flawed but great? I'm curious to hear your rationale.

Also LOL

No 35 in the highest rated films ever on IMDB...

Better than Yojimbo, The African Queen or All quiet on the Western front seriously?
Films always get a bump on the imdb shortly after release, it'll settle down.
I'd like to see say QT helm the next Bond Film, or make a comedy, or an authentic period drama, or biopic, or just about anything that didn't simply involve a film that consists of chapters comprised of long talkie parts and inevitable flashes of violence at the end of each of them, whilst throwing in a bunch of 70s film references, and borrowed music.

Then why the hell are you comparing it to Pulp Fiction if you want a movie thats not Pulp Fiction.
Then why the hell are you comparing it to Pulp Fiction if you want a movie thats not Pulp Fiction.

Adrik are you special needs or are you just pointlessly argumentative? I mean seriously what's so hard to comprehend in what's been said previously?