Inglourious Basterds

Oh, and I was reading back through the thread and saw Kad claim that because they ultimately succeed in killing Hitler it retroactively justifies anything. I don't think this works. Firstly because of what Kage said a wee way back: the scene is over the top, ghoulish and horrifying. Secondly because it is immediately followed by Aldo's leering, self-satisfied betrayal of Landa and the unpleasant swastika branding. Thirdly because in fact we did win the war and we did do some horrible things in order to win it, so it's kind of a twisted version of what really happened. Fourthly because, as I said, it's an intentional veering into utter fantasy, into a world created solely on film to symbolically punish those who a certain perspective declares inhuman.
Oh, and I was reading back through the thread and saw Kad claim that because they ultimately succeed in killing Hitler it retroactively justifies anything. I don't think this works. Firstly because of what Kage said a wee way back: the scene is over the top, ghoulish and horrifying. Secondly because it is immediately followed by Aldo's leering, self-satisfied betrayal of Landa and the unpleasant swastika branding. Thirdly because in fact we did win the war and we did do some horrible things in order to win it, so it's kind of a twisted version of what really happened. Fourthly because, as I said, it's an intentional veering into utter fantasy, into a world created solely on film to symbolically punish those who a certain perspective declares inhuman.

None of what you've said there actually seems to remotely counterpoint what I've said Sulks. I provided a very clear rationale to my position. Simply because something is overboard and fictional doesn't exclude it from criticism when it comes to the message it sends. Bad people do very bad things to others, and then achieve their ultimate triumph = the end justifies the means. Sure the subtext might say something else entirely, but I'd say the film lacks for an overt comment at some point.

Still ultimately I'd like to hear what you didn't like about it
Just saw it, pretty entertaining and all. Wish Mimieux didn't die. Just a couple things I found hard to believe (despite this not being historically accurate)
1) Hitler taken down that easily (albeit satisfying)
2) Landa making that kind of deal (He was a sharp tack...but giving a Jew back his gun...)