Inhabitants of C17 from BMRF?


Jul 7, 2003
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After reading the preview from its looking quite likely that the inhabitants of C17 are all people from BMRF.

I've got the idea from this quote

The sunlight makes me blink violently as my eyes focus on the new vista before me. All around, people walk with bowed heads, dressed in matching white clothes as circular drones buzz around the square, and more gas mask-clad guards stand around menacingly, ever watchful. "Hey, don't I know you?" comes a question from a passing pedestrian. "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" asks another. Gabe was right: how do these people know who I am?

I think this is quite likely ;) Sorry if its been discussed before :(

BMRF = Black Mesa Research Facility for anyone that didn't know
Could be true if the soldiers in HL1 didn't kill everyone on sight and ofcourse the nuke. Still an interresting thought none the less.
The soldiers seemed to bugger the whole operation up from what I could see. Barney and those scientists made it out quite easily at the end (easyish anyway).

I think its safe to say that quite a few people got out alive/were on holiday/just not there at the time of the RC and the nuke.
I think that the people just know who Gordon is because he's a legend in his own lunchbox. Or something.

What I mean to say, is that the people who did escape from BMRF probably told the civilians they met about "That strange guy in the orange suit, who could take on a hundred aliens at once, and kick the butt of any military dudes he came across"... he's probably even been, like most legends, exaggerated a little :E.
I was thinking that but...

at the time he wasn't wearing a bright orange HEV suit :D And has aged (maybe) by 10 years. The only way he could be recognised is if they had seen him every now and then at BMRF :upstare:

I'm not sure, it just seems like they way its said in that preview it was like loads of people were coming up to him and asking if they knew him.
From what we know he hasn't aged at all, for him it's like HL1 -> step in portal -> HL2.
The World is devastated b/c of him, he started the invasion from Xen that allowed the Combine the excuse to take control.

That's why I believe he's going "back" and try to stop himself of opening the BM portal. It's the only way.
But that would cause a paradox, Sprafa.

Also, there were probably photographs in Gordon's personal datafiles, and other places. So what if, after BMRF, and thinking that Gordon had died to save them, the scientists spread photographs of the guy around to inspire people and boost their morale?
Handing out signed photos of Gordon Freeman can get you a lot of money I hear :p
"The Aliens, The Combine and The Rebelious Science team..." words by Doug Lombardi.
So yeah, i guess the rebels are scientists from BMRF :eek:
Possibly, although it might simply refer to the fact that Kleiner, Eli and Freeman (maybe more?) seem to be among the leaders of the resistance.
yeah and Dr. Mossman who was shown in the trailer. It appears the people in the Blue uniforms are the citizens and those in white are the resistance fighters. because like the guy said he said the citizens are hearing all about this gordon freeman and want to fight with him to topple breen and the combine.

I heard somewhere that Breen had his own ideas on how to help fight the Alien invasion, i think that the vortigaunts are helping the resistance because they were freed long ago by freeman then a new power in Xen took over and forced the vortigaunts out. then breen started invading Xen and stuff.

but who knows, i reckon Freeman has doen something inbetween Black Mesa and City 17, because the last thing he remembers is the convo between him and the G Man
Maybe the whole 15 mins of the game will be like looking in an old photo album :rolleyes: