Insane FPS problem


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Ok i know someone will flame me for posting it here but my steam forum account hasnt been activated in 2 days so ill just write it here. First of all my computer specs are as follows:
AMD athlon XP 3000+
1GB DDR 400 pc3200 ram
128mb Radeon 9800 pro

Now when i run the VST with settings as 1024x768 with settings on medium with reflections on world and AA off and AF off i get a very very terrible fps. I get 11 fps average. This completely baffled me..i mean my computer is almost top of the line and im getting 11 fps on some pretty weak settings? thats rediculous. Well then when i actually play CS:S i get 20-40 fps and it just cant figure it out. I had the 4.9 beta drivers but then i downgraded to the 4.8 drivers and still no difference. What i then did was change my resolution to 800x600 and i still got the same exact fps, no difference. So for the hell of it i changed the resolution to 1600x1200 and once again, the same fps. If anyone could help me out on this id appreciate it a ton. Thanks.
1. How does CS: S run?
2. Its probably just giving you incorrect results.
It seems to run relatively smooth but in some areas it gets to a small slowdown such as in the dome and slightly under the tunnel. When i run cl_showfps 1 and net_graph 1 they both show the same thing, between 20-40 fps.
I have the same problems...

I have 20-30 fps until I actually see soeone then it drops to 17.

P4 2Ghz 512
Radeon 9800 pro.

what can I do?
Thats what im trying to figure out. My friend has the exact same specs as me and puts its on far higher settings and gets 80 constant fps.
Ok i cant figure this out and I guess no one else can either so this is now a useless thread.
Hmm try turning off Truform (helped me loads in CZ/CS). Also, make sure the AA and AF are all on application preference in the ATI control panel. Sorry if they are basic tips, but they are all I can think of.
I have similar spec (xp2800/1gb/9800pro) but don't have them problems - running on XP pro with catalyst 4.9 betas and DX9.0c - on the video stress test I get over 40fps running 1152x864 with AA and AF at 4x (vsync off)

One thing you could try is disabling the antialiasing and ansiotropic filtering in the ATi control panel (turn them all off as opposed to on/application preference) - opengl and d3d.

Enable AA and AF via the games menus only.
My CS Source runs pretty good for me, and my rig isn't top of the line at all.

AMD64 3000+
9800 Pro w/ Catalyst 4.9 Drivers

My fps ranges between 40 and 150 depending on the situation with highest possible settings at 1024x768 and I have 4xAA and 8xAF forced in the ATI control panel.
how do i turn off trueform?
I mean ive tried so many things i just dont understand the problem, its very very frustrating.
Right click on desktop-> properties -> settings tab -> advanced -> 3D -> custom settings -> Truform
While you are in there make sure the AA and AF are on application preference. Also, make sure you are using custom settings. Im not sure if it makes a difference, but drag them both to '2' before hitting the application preference check box.
Chewcky said:
Ok i know someone will flame me for posting it here but my steam forum account hasnt been activated in 2 days so ill just write it here. First of all my computer specs are as follows:
AMD athlon XP 3000+
1GB DDR 400 pc3200 ram
128mb Radeon 9800 pro

Now when i run the VST with settings as 1024x768 with settings on medium with reflections on world and AA off and AF off i get a very very terrible fps. I get 11 fps average. This completely baffled me..i mean my computer is almost top of the line and im getting 11 fps on some pretty weak settings? thats rediculous. Well then when i actually play CS:S i get 20-40 fps and it just cant figure it out. I had the 4.9 beta drivers but then i downgraded to the 4.8 drivers and still no difference. What i then did was change my resolution to 800x600 and i still got the same exact fps, no difference. So for the hell of it i changed the resolution to 1600x1200 and once again, the same fps. If anyone could help me out on this id appreciate it a ton. Thanks.
I have the same problem with Athlon XP 2500+ / 768 MB RAM / 9800 Pro.
There are a lot of people with lower specs that say their FPS doesn't drop below 40 but I get average of 20-30 FPS...Grrr...

Oh, and I don't think you can turn off AA/AF with the ATi control panel. You can only set them to application preference.
Intel P4 2.8C
1024MB DDR 400 Dual Channel Memory
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128
Catalyst 3.8
WinXP Pro

I get very good results (can play CS:S in 1280x1024, all high, 8x AF).

Have you tried un-installing your video card?
Have you updated your system drivers with the latest from the net (motherboard is very important). Have you checked your bios configuration? Is AGP at 8X (or at least 4x)?
Do other games run well? Like UT2K4 at 60+ FPS, DOOM 3 in 1024x768 at 40FPS, Battlefield at 60+, Call of Duty at 70+?

Tried turning V-Sync of in both the control panel and CS:Source options?

Good luck.
I'm a little iffy on the mobo drivers 'uh oh', could you help me find a driver for a A7N8X-X if you have a spare moment?
I did many playtests last night in various games (farcry, doom3, ut2k4, bfv, and others) to see fps and my fps was ver high or normal for my setup in these games. I have come to the conclusion that it is a valve specific bug that has a direct source that has not been identified yet. I am now going to try updating my mobo drivers but i doubt it will fix my problems.
Update on the situation, i updated my mobo drivers and i got a 15 frp increase. I now tend to get between 40-50 fps. Still not where it should be. Anyone have anymore suggestions?