insane hi-res textures: not all seem to be being applied


Jan 17, 2006
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I have just installed the newest Fake Factory insane hi-res textures (the 700+mb download...), and applied the 2.17 patch. All seems ok as far as some textures, noteably the wooden palettes and crates etc; but others are missing: in Dr kleiner's lab, all the electronic equipment, and his notes, clipboard etc. are at standard blur-O-vision resolutions. For the most part, the game runs very smoothly, and there are most certainly changes unique to this mod....but not all those expected....any thoughts?
I could read the HEV-manual. As for the rest, i dont think your realy supposed to read that, like the computer moniters and such. Its like in Elis lab, those newspapper clips, you can read the headlines, but not the text.
It's also likely that the texture artists behind the mod didn't replace _EVERY_ single texture in the game.
i noticed a bunch a texture changes especially the small details
I have seen in some of the screen shots for the 2.16 texture pack, ones of Dr. Kleiner's desk with a monitor and keyboard, and a yellow note can make out most of the detail on these items...but not in my installation...but all the characters are updated (you can tell 'cos they all look ancient....<grins>)
I don't know why some texures are being used and others aren't. I have restarted steam after each attempt, replaced the materials folder in both the /sourcemods and /username directories, and can always tell the difference between new and default textures. As I mentioned in my original post, the game runs fact, for an old AMD 2500, it runs remarkably well at an average of 50-60 fps - its just this texture inconsistancy that is starting to piss me off a wee bit..
DigiQ8 said:
Show some screens please ^^

...Can't just yet as I'm at work...(umm, working hard...) - I'll stick a few examples up when i get back tonight.
Well... Fake Factory hasnt replaces everything yet. So some still will still look normal.
Download and reinstall. Maybe you got a corrupted file.

Yes, while not EVERY texture has been replaced.. most have.. including the ones you mention in Kleiners Lab..
Still wish it woulda worked for me.

Oh well, I never wanted to play that beautiful of a game anyway!

As suggested above...I downloaded the newest vesion of the texture pack - the 2.20 one - and all is happy again. Pretty much most textures seem to have been changed - and I must admit the whole thing looks stunning. The game still whirrs along at 50-60fps at 1280x1024, and it almost is like playing a new game.
This will be me playing it all again for christ knows what time now...:D