Insane Thompson Strikes Again!

It seems remarkable that a totally undemocratic person like Jack Thompson should be allowed to affect democracy's basis rights such as free speech and free expression of arts. Remarkable.
Nice Kyo, but so very pointless. He'll just spit at you and say you're mentally backwards. :hmph:
"The entire ESRB rating system is a joke. It is a tool for marketing violence to kids. It does not stop the sale of violence to kids. You know that. It would be better if we had no system, and then parents would not have been fooled for more than a decade into thinking that the system was actually protecting their kids."
Idiot, if an adult won't stop a his/her child from playing a game with 18, M, AO or whatever writen on it then there is hardly a chance for them to do it when all you see on the cover is

"Liberals, like you, love to label things and then think that the labeling has accomplished something. If that had been the case, then Churchill's calling Hitler a Nazi would have ended the war. But no, people like me had to get into the trenches and stop the Nazis."
Is he comparing the video games idustry to Nazis on purpose or just an example? Hard to tell, probably on purpose.

"Dave, it is laughable, it is absurd, that you have copied your email to Bill Gates, of all people. This is a guy whose Halo trained Malvo to kill in D.C. This is a guy who now has put all the Grand Theft Auto games on his XBox. This is a man who is going to release Bully when the coast is clear in the spring."
Yet more proof this man doesn't have a clue what he's on about.
if he say that he is the one who "get in the trinchers and stop the nazis" why he dont go to army and fight in irak?:burp:
Taken from the news section of Penny Arcade today, here is an interview with Mr. Thompson.

I've never heard it and it's certainly interesting to hear it coming from himself and not through a third party.


Well I'm about 40 minutes in and the interviewer has moved from the position of mediator to opposition, which is a shame. However the only point that Jack raised, very early on is valid. America needs an enforable rating system like in the UK. No more of this stupid M for 17's and AO for 18's. U, PG, 12, 15 and 18 is clearcut and leaves no room for interpritation.
So far up to the 20mins mark Mr Tompson is sounding like he has a good arguement. At the moment. He seems to be building a fairly useful arguement that I can somehow relate to. But he is only talking about the ratings. And the UK system.

man this guy thought he was having the last laugh with teh 10 grand thing, now look whos laughing.

A team of GTA modders called the Fighting Hellfish has created a San Andreas mod for the PC that Jack Thompson could have designed—that is, if he included himself as the vengeful father he proposed earlier, on a murderous rampage through the video-game industry. And there you have the story of JT and his Banman alter ego in Defamation of Character: A Jack Thompson Murder Simulator.