Insects - The bane of my existence.

What is your oppinion of insects?

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The only good bug is a dead bug. I goddamn hate insects. Sucks when summer rolls around and I can't open my window for fear of being buzzedby the swarm of light-addicted flies and moths.
oh come on! do you guys not see it?

it's so obvious! how could you hate a face like that?

Theres another goddamn mother****ing crane fly in here. I hit with lots of febreeze over my sink but it still got away and dissapeared. God damn it. Now im going to be itchy all night again. God **** shit cock twat I HATE BUGS
Craneflies are harmless afaik. Dive at it and squish that ****er with your hands you febreeze squirting pussy!



they actually eat mosquitos. yay!

I don't mind those too much. During the spring/summer, they fly into our house via open door/windows and just fly around the lights during the night. Nothing more.
I don't mind those too much. During the spring/summer, they fly into our house via open door/windows and just fly around the lights during the night. Nothing more.

Aren't those the ones that live for two weeks just for the act of sexing up a lady cranefly and then dying?.

So unless a fly who's sole existence is to sex it up with a lady fly scares you, they are at most slightly annoying.

this was even scary as a picture. jesus.
Yeh, coulda been a galley napper. But I hate bugs. They creep me the **** out. Pictures I don't mind, but if theres a bug on me I scream like a little girl.
This ****ing thread is now about the Zerg. YOU CAN ALL GO TO HELL WITH YOUR SPIDER PICTURES!





Bugs are no more creepy than the zerg.

"Hello! :D"

This ****ing thread is now about the Zerg. YOU CAN ALL GO TO HELL WITH YOUR SPIDER PICTURES!

If the zerg invade this thread then a Tyranid hive fleet will descend from the heavens and overrun the thread, consume all posters in it, suck it dry of HTML code, and leave it a cold barren URL.