

Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Ever been inspired by anything? If so, what?
I get inspired by music alot, especially Jesper Kyd's works.
Damn, you remind me. Something inspired me greatly yesterday, but I forgot what was the inspiration. Ahhhhh..... It is very improtant, I forgot it....


Odd, that.
Max Payne inspired me to write a novel.
I forgot about that, Max Payne had a similar effect on me too.
Eh, I really don't do much so if I am inspired it goes to waste.
I get inspired if something does something better than me. Then I'm motivated to kick their arse at it.
I'm inspired by a random spark of ideas, usually concerning an image or a movie.
I get inspired by random objects, then I try to make a signature or something using the general theme of it
sounds, music, drawings/paintings, buildings, weather, people, scents, food, tv shows/movies, novels, books and whatnot
usually what inspires me the most are really simple feels that generate a whole mindscape of a different universe
Music, people, good books, good movies, sunsets, beautiful things in general...

Also, pictures of beautiful landscapes. Like, say, that.

I see something like that, and I think "man, I want to see that someday" and it inspires me.
These days I'm mostly by terrorist actions, killings and wars.. Destruction and chaos in general.. Dunno why, it just sparks ideas within me.:p