Installing windows with a external CD/DVD drive. Need to know ASAP! Very Important.


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
While installing windows PRO on a HP laptop, im getting a weird problem. Error: Installation error failed: D:\l386\asms. Error Message : Date error (cyclic redundancy check).

This is the 2nd laptop and the 2nd windows PRO cd. Now how would i install windows from a generic external drive. I have tryed a normal boot, changing the drive path, still no go. The bios is very simple and doesnt give many options.

What are my options i have about 30 mins. I need some info ASAP, its VERY important.

Im sure certain its a bad model. I just need another method of installing windows.

The drive has a clean partition.
By bad model do you mean the laptop is bad? In that case it might be a waste trying to install windows at all. Why are you trying to install it on the laptop anyways? Did something happen to the current windows on it or something?
The drive on the laptop is bad. The model is fine. Its all the drives on this model. I need windows installed on this. Its really the only option i have. It had media center on it. We formated the drive. So its a clean harddisk.
To the best of my knowledge you cannot boot to an external drive.
You wont believe how i got past this error. I pressed down on the top of the laptop right where the CD is being read. This time tho it read the CD. I held it there for 45 mins. LOL. Ghetto fix ftw!