Instruction booklet pic? - possible spoiler

Brian Damage said:
Wait a bit... that bit on the page with the Combine info (which I've resisted reading)... the bit about Gordon gaining employment at BM... wasn't part of that on the Planet Halflife site?

[EDIT]: Woah... looking at the other page about him... I'm sure I've seen that whole thing before on PHL...

It was in the manual that came with early versions of the game. there was a mock-up letter of employment that described alot of that
there are also pages from 1913 - god knows how much. This is the entire strategy guide people! I highly recommend you DO NOT look beyond pages

1929 as it has the entire walkthrough on here.

EDIT: actually it is just the hint book, still some big spoilers though
I posted this yesterday and they deleted it, its from the hint book and you get it when you pre-order the game in the UK
Go on to pages 1960+

..mmm, better than hl2.

lol @ the retard who puts all his personal images on fileshack.
Normally I think everyone is way over reacting about spoilers. Now that I saw that trainstation spoiler, I think I'll let them over react. And I'll stay away from any thing that even looks like a spoiler.
You can see personal pics from the person responsible, their girlfriend, sig image and waaaaay too much HL2 info. As soon as I got to the overhead views of the maps of each chapter I knew I went too far.
zencat said:
nope, its not the strategy guide. its a hint book, with excerpts from the strategy guide. its too small to be the strategy guide, plus the other back pages advertise the full version.

however, i hesitate to say that its the sampler booklet given to people who buy the game because i thought the sampler was supposed to have material from raising the bar AND the strategy guide. but at this point i dont see what else it could probably is the sampler.

BTW, theres a huge spoiler for the trainstation level so definitely do not read those pages if you do not want the level 1 suprise spoiled.

I agree. I didnt know it was one of those, I thought it was something else. You should know what I mean :)
Hehe most of the pics in there are pr0n! :D
There are some HUGE spoinlers in there, though. Don't look at the next pictures, believe me. There is a Big spoiler about that scientist lady (Dr. Mossman) that I wish I never read... There are also some new characters, too.
I didn't want to, I tried to resist. I read the image on Dr. Kleiner, and went back to the beginning. Then, to my horror, I just kept reading! I couldn't help it!
It's interesting, and has spoiled a lot for me, but I want the game more now!
Eugh, I disgust myself....

I know I played the beta and I do know one giant spoiler, but I'm not reading it.
You weak human hehe.
I will wait another week wont kill me...i think
BIG spoilers in there. Close this thread.
there int a "massive gman spoiler" is there?
There's a pretty big one (if you ask me) that might suggest something about the G-Man.
is from hl2world forums, but dont read it if you dont want to spoil the first level!!
ThrasherX9 said:
There's a pretty big one (if you ask me) that might suggest something about the G-Man.

yeah i caught that too. but there are several things the description could mean, although i think you and i are thinking the same thing. :borg: