Insurgency - Beta 2 dated and new trailer


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
The Insurgency mod have revealed that their second Beta will be released on the 21st of November via FilePlanet.[br]While you wait for that date, check out their new trailer. Low-Res version or get the High-Res trailer. So keep checking Insurgency for any more news before the new Beta is released.
The complete lack of action and fun depicted in the trailier summarises the playing experience well.
From the style of the film, like the beginning title, I think this trailer was produced by the same guy who did the first one. I forget his name but he is big part of Lit Fuse (HL2 machinia group). They have taken kind of risky artistic license with some of their films, some are great and others just don't work. Going this route with a mod trailer is again risky, but I think doesn't pay off. It should model at least some of the changelog of the new game instead of showing off maps (and not even highlighting the nightime map!).

Anyways, I appreciate lite fuse creativity with film, but in regards to this trailer it is overdone. This is only effective as to motivate the already existing fanbase. But when compared to the GREAT empires trailer below it doesn't compete on effectiveness.
I'd give Zacharia some credit here, I doubt someone with the talent he has would be behind a trailer so lackluster. Do they have nothing to show with this new patch that they've held off for so long? what's the deal here.
I really like insurgency, I forgot why I stopped playing though. I'll start playing again with beta 2.
Now that I remember, I did hate having to use that gun for US commander, but i liked being a commander. pretty sure they are fixing that though.
I'd like to point out that this trailer was not produced by Lit Fuse Films or any of it's members. For future reference, all Lit Fuse Films productions, past and future, are identified with the LFF logo.

Filipe Dobreira
What a terrible trailer, artistic yes... informative? Not at all.
Wow,not a hint of game play.
I want to see some actual action footage and not some artsy fartsy cinematic crap.
After all,this is a mod not a movie.
Meh, wasn't impressed with first one (aka it crashed every time within two minutes) and trailer doesn't sway me at all. What is it a map preview with some two seconds of super-high speed so you can't know what's going on, "gameplay"?

And now that I have CoD4, I already have my fill of Modern Combat. I'll pass on this.
I liked insurgency, definitely be getting the Beta 2 and maybe persuading my Clannies to put a server up for it. Sure CoD4 is great, but hardly anyone I know has it, and I hate playing with randoms. With insurgency I know pretty much all of my clan will give it a blast. Have to agree the trailer isn't that informative though. I think they'd been as well to sell the positives of the release in terms of new features and fixes.
Not the best choice of trailer, indeed. Not a glimpse of the new objective system.

Hope they optimized it a bit too, ran like crap here.
yeah, i got bored of insurgency. this trailer is giving me no reason to try beta 2.