Insurgency: Information and Times

OMG, I'd have to get up at 7am by the looks of it to join you :p
I'll be able to play tonight for sure, I just have a fairly busy morning.
Stop living in different time zones. :(
Who's up for a game this afternoon? I'm free all day, so go ahead and add me if you wanna play anytime today.

Xfire: Rico21745
i can play anytime after 4 PM Eastern Time, you turds..
Hey fuckers.

It's either this or I spend my time grinding my paladin in WoW.
I'm in.

But Qonfused, **** you if I get stuck with grenadier again because you're not willing to trade :P
I think the way the sights work is like this:

Aiming so that the topmost "notch" on the iron sights is horizontal, the grenade will fire horizontally. Each "notch" down adds 50 feet or so (don't take my word for it, I can't estimate distances for shit) to the grenade's range.
INS tiem, vent's in OP.

... For lazy people:

Port: 27145
No password
I've come to the conclusion that Qonfy is a better asset when he's on the other team. Victories get like half of their scores negated because he blows up his damn team whenever they win.

Not that Iraqis randomly blowing up other Iraqis is historically unprecedented...
I seem to TK a lot on just about any game I play with the HL2 gang. The BF2 vets all know of me and my tactic of carpet bombing the spawn. But it's all in good fun. :D
That was made of mucho pwno.

I killed qonf like, 7 times :D
lol no, I enjoy it, it's fun seeing who can get the most kills at the end :P
Oh ya, Lemonking was also present. Never would I have predicted playing on the same server of such an icon.
Getting shot in the face by a friend is another way to say "I love you"
So pissed I missed this... Absinthe and Lemon in the same game? It's hard to come by such epicness.
Damn it! I missed it. Really need to pick a good GMT time to paly.