Insurgency Media Update

Also check out The Storm, a sound demo for the mod in the Media section of the site. Talk about incredible! My desk shook so hard from the explosions.
Amazing renders. I can't wait to play this game. You guys really hit the nose with Red Orchestra, and I am sure you can pull the same off here.
I've never really commented on MODs before but nice work!
I like the tanks :P

What kind are they?
That's an American M1A2 Abrams tank :)

Glad you all like the update!
If you'd like more info on the names of all this stuff and how they'll be implemented in the mod, check out the team profiles on the site. :)
i will play this mod as soon as it's available :)
looks quite exciting and promising
ray_MAN said:
..You guys really hit the nose with Red Orchestra, and I am sure you can pull the same off here.

This mod is from the makers of Red Orchestra? It just took the top spot of my waiting list! RO oozes quality in overall graphics, especially player & weapon models, and even manages to be awesomely fun to play. The same dedication is already visible in the renders shown at the site.

Hell, a mod made by developers of RO, but is NOT situated in the WW2, and uses the HL2 platform? ..I think I'm in love. The wait will be painful.
Hehe, thanks Birdie. The Art team is almost the same from RO - Models, Skins, Animations, with the addition of extra talent from elsewhere. But yea, you can expect good art/attention to detail :)
Are there going to be tanks in Op: CO-IN?
No. There will not be any Main Battle Tanks (MBT) due to that being the Armoured aspect of the Army and we are conentrating on the Infantry. If we do decide to have them, they will be operated by the AI.
Too bad, because I think everybody would love to drive that tank :)
I am impresssssed :D (that british soldier looks very life like)
yep, they get more real with years, these charachters. and thats one of the best skinned rifles ive ever seen. altho i would flame it till there will be nothing left if i wasn't in such a good mood. that character does look real cool, good colors.
It isn't made purely by the makers of RO, but a few of the staff members (including its leader) are working for us.
thefiznut said:
Also check out The Storm, a sound demo for the mod in the Media section of the site. Talk about incredible! My desk shook so hard from the explosions.

Holy crap that was awesome. :D Awesome positional audio :D
PPCLI?! Woot!
This mod is an instant "must download" now..


Put in JTF-2 too. ;-)

When the mod was founded by a member of the Canadian Army, it will definitely have the Canadians in eventually ;) JTF-2 probably won't be included though since they are special forces and we are concentrating on the Infantry.
I thought you weren't going to join some mod for a lame engine not even out yet, lol. Well the media looks good, keep it coming.