Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Azlan
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Wow... a lot of the work shown in those shots appears to be at or near professional quality.

* OCybrManO starts to pay more attention to Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat.
this looks realy good, very profesional! great job guys!!

1 thing only...beta release ne'time soon?
whats this all about a bf2 clone? we started this before bf2 was even announced! and ins is not an arcade game :P nor is it based around vehicles and air combat :O
That's a pretty steep insult to compair Insurgancy to the suckassness that is Battlefield 2. ;)

Battlefield 2 is just another UT2K4-esque arcade game with a simple command system poorly tacked on. The realism is entirely nonexistant.
Iron sights are there, but they don't serve any purpose, and don't act like real iron sights. Bullets defy physics and leave your barrel at strange angles detrermined by the space between some wierd lines floating in front of you and not the line down the iron sights.:laugh:
PCP is a standard-issue item, and solid steel skulls are also not uncommon.
Drive fearsome MBTs armed with powerful spud-guns!
Engage in combat at awesome ranges, not seen since Napoleonic warefare!

Heheh, insulting BF2 is fun because it's so easy.:afro:
KaiserPanda said:
That's a pretty steep insult to compair Insurgancy to the suckassness that is Battlefield 2. ;)

Battlefield 2 is just another UT2K4-esque arcade game with a simple command system poorly tacked on. The realism is entirely nonexistant.
Iron sights are there, but they don't serve any purpose, and don't act like real iron sights. Bullets defy physics and leave your barrel at strange angles detrermined by the space between some wierd lines floating in front of you and not the line down the iron sights.:laugh:
PCP is a standard-issue item, and solid steel skulls are also not uncommon.
Drive fearsome MBTs armed with powerful spud-guns!
Engage in combat at awesome ranges, not seen since Napoleonic warefare!

Heheh, insulting BF2 is fun because it's so easy.:afro:

God you're an idiot.

For one, UT2k4's vehicle based combat came right from BF1942. So if anything, it's a BF1942 Esque game, which it exactly IS.

And the Ironsights are FAR better than the Crosshairs. I don't know where you came up with the idea that the bullets leave the barrels at funky angles, because I used to cap fools with the Medics M16a2 all the time, and still do with the all the pistols.

Awesome ranges not seen since the Napoleonic ware era? Have you been hiding under a rock? The US is currently at war (albiet a pointless one) with Iraq. And it's definetly not the first time we've fought in Iraq.

The Chinese portions look amazing and play amazing too. You're such a god damnd idiot. A map doesn't have to be accurate to be fun. UT maps are completely out of wack but are still awesome. And don't forget, you were bashing BF2 for being like UT2k4 just a few lines up.

And last time I checked, Napoleon never fought in the middle east.

You know, you sound like a single minded 12 year old that just hopped on the EA/BF2 bashing bandwagon because it's "cool".

Not to mention you signed up just to post your idiotic BF2 thrash. You're just HUNTING for somewhere to bash BF2 it seems like. I wouldn't be surprised if you had spent your entire day signing up at forums because you saw an opportunity to bash an awesome game.

You know what, bashing you is fun because it's so "EASY".
Wow, some people here need to relax. It's getting stupid now.

I said it before and I'll say it again though - Insurgency looks amazing.
JiMmEh said:
Wow, some people here need to relax. It's getting stupid now.

I said it before and I'll say it again though - Insurgency looks amazing.

Bleh, and I just hate to see a good game get bashed by a stupid bandwagon hopping kid.

Anywho, yeah, this mod looks amazing, amazing enough to be a game on it's own.

Looks like one of the few mods that will actually make it to Alpha.
wow that's pretty impressive. looking forward to a release
:O omfg that looks 1337 !!! jk ;) good work guys :thumbs:
Amazing work, guys! It is awesome to see something completely different from what I am working on at the moment :) Nice job!
Great work ins team!

One thing I have noticed, that the map shown there is somewhat baren, not a lot going on. I think it would benefit from more diverse textures, or more detailed ones..More props, and more of something going on would be huge improvement :)

The characters look great, I look forward to seeing them witht he customization features!
lol if you have not guessed it's on alpha at the momment! nearing the pblic beta demo!

So yes this is a mod that will be released, and soonish :D
It looks like an ugly piece of crap from 5 years ago.

I am witty.
sinkoman said:
Bleh, and I just hate to see a good game get bashed by a stupid bandwagon hopping kid.

Anywho, yeah, this mod looks amazing, amazing enough to be a game on it's own.

Looks like one of the few mods that will actually make it to Alpha.

He wasn't hoping a bandwagon, he just doesn't like the fact that battlefield 2 is not realistic, and when he says napoleonic ranges...I think its reference to the inaccuracy of the weapons...maybe I misunderstood.

Strongly opinionated, extremely defensive, thoughtless, personal insult filled rants aren't exactly how you get people to stay at message boards...even if he is a stupid bandwagon hopping kids who hate ea cuz its c00l!!!!111

Anyway..back on topic. Insurgency is looking awsome as always, only complaint is those blown up walls looks pretty strange. Keep up the good work :cheers:
KaiserPanda said:
That's a pretty steep insult to compair Insurgancy to the suckassness that is Battlefield 2. ;)

Battlefield 2 is just another UT2K4-esque arcade game with a simple command system poorly tacked on. The realism is entirely nonexistant.
Iron sights are there, but they don't serve any purpose, and don't act like real iron sights. Bullets defy physics and leave your barrel at strange angles detrermined by the space between some wierd lines floating in front of you and not the line down the iron sights.:laugh:
PCP is a standard-issue item, and solid steel skulls are also not uncommon.
Drive fearsome MBTs armed with powerful spud-guns!
Engage in combat at awesome ranges, not seen since Napoleonic warefare!

Heheh, insulting BF2 is fun because it's so easy.:afro:

Hmm, sounds to me like he's just pulling stuff out his ass.

On the ironsights, would you rather it be realistic? Would you rather sit there for 5 minutes, switching between the front and rear sights, trying to line them up perfectly with your mouse?

And I wouldn't want somebody like him to stay. If you're going to insult something, insult it based on facts, not just stupid "OMFG I H4TE THIS GAAYME!!11!@" oppinions.

Bleh :(

Anywho, is there a release date on this mod? You saying it's already in alpha has me REALLY excited.

I'm just scared that there will be no servers :(
Scared there will be no servers?

Well, we can't guarentee servers since we're non-profit and probably wont put up any ourselves (aside from sponsored official servers), but we can guarentee that we plan on taking every precaution necessary to help ensure that there will be an abundance of servers to play on. Staff on the team including myself have released mods previously and have gained valuable experience in everything from pre-release to post-release.

This being said, a lot of server availability is based on the community, not on us. For example, most servers are clan/squad/community/website/provider servers. While our job is to reach out to these people and get them hooked on our mod, the rest is up to the players and we hope to make it easy for them hehe.
Sainku said:
those blown up walls looks pretty strange. Keep up the good work :cheers:

those were temporary. placement for a model that is being worked on right now :)
I said nothing "bandwagon," my options are mine and mine alone. YOU assume that I bash on BF2 because of a hate for EA games. I said NOTHING to hint at this. You are a rabid defender of BF2 with no logic behind your counter-arguments. Attacking me instead of my argument is also weak.

sinkoman said:
On the ironsights, would you rather it be realistic? Would you rather sit there for 5 minutes, switching between the front and rear sights, trying to line them up perfectly with your mouse?

You have never fired a rifle in your life. You also completely missed what I was saying. When you aim down the iron sights the bullet will follow that path, not veer off at a 45 degree angle. If you want to see what I consider a good implementation of iron sights, play Hostile Intent. Instead of using the cheap "crosshairs get bigger" system where the weapon remaining steady the weapon actually bucks your screen around.

sinkoman said:
Awesome ranges not seen since the Napoleonic ware era? Have you been hiding under a rock? The US is currently at war (albiet a pointless one) with Iraq. And it's definetly not the first time we've fought in Iraq.

What? Seriously... what? I was making a pun at the fact that your rifle has extremely short range in Battlefield 2. I don't even know where that tangent response came from. Wierd.

I didn't sign up to bash BF2, I signed up because I think Insurgency deserves more than to be writen off as a "Battlefield 2 clone."
Battlefield 2 is a nice game but Insurgency is totally different.
2d-chris said:
whats this all about a bf2 clone? we started this before bf2 was even announced! and ins is not an arcade game :P nor is it based around vehicles and air combat :O

dayum chris, depress me why don't ya :(

nothing wrong with vehicle combat, and if someone uses it, doesn't make them a bf clone, bf was jsut the first to really implement it.

but you can't have air combat in source like you could in bf, so right there its out of the question, but you could definatly have TANKS

thats what i love about bia is the ability to have a tank gunner, one for each team, spawn as that unit, forcing people to protect that tank, that would be so sweet.

If theres no vehicle driving at all in this mod, ill be a bit disappointed. the inventory sounds cool, but thats one aspect I HATE bout cs, is you have to take all that time to pick your gear.

if this mod clones the good aspects of bf, and the good aspects of cs, urban combat, tactical stuff, and of course the ability to operate vehicels and mounted guns, using real military tactics, flanking commands, it will totally rock.

btw the texture artist on the marines closes is uber badasss
I actually like it that they are not focusing the gameplay on vehicles, infantry combat is way more interesting and diverse.
alphadec said:
Just face it, BF2 is a pice of junk.

You can say that all you want, but BF2 is currently the best online game out right now...
best MP game ;)
re4 still rocks

i don't want straight infantry. they make those tanks, you should be able to use them, at least have some ai ones you can use.

thing that makes bf rocks is its appealing to everyone, people who like to drive, people who like infantry. all I want is a great popular hl2 mod that will allow me the ability to drive a humvee or a tank. I know that an apache, being my fave, seems to be very unfeasable though :(
We have plans to make tanks AI controlled, but can be given waypoints by commanders. Map-specific so some maps might have this while others wouldnt.
Been looking forward to this mod for months now.I hope there loads of combat locations like columbia and palastine.
I'm waiting for the Balkans part of Insurgency.
Kare Bear said:
Been looking forward to this mod for months now.I hope there loads of combat locations like columbia and palastine.

Maybe Colombia, no way to Palestine. It's way too sensitive.

We're probably going to have all kinds of maps. Our concept allows for any theater so long as its guerilla warfare, and we might even experiment with fictional settings in the future, and hope that our custom mapping community comes up with a few interesting maps.