Marc fFOx
I bought a new PC six months or so ago, it's an Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz. I've 2Gig of ram and if I add it al up 1terra HDD. The graphics card is a NVidia GeForce 8500 GT and I'm up to date with directx. I'm having problems running Hl2 - Lost Coast, it says it requires a faster processor, if the program is meant to be a showcase of whats to come gaming wise does that mean Ill be left in the gutter unable to play new games using this technology?? I thought at the time it was the best processor I could afford and I know things move quickly, but this fast?? My only hope was that the graphics was responible which I couldnt see too much of a problem with as is upgradeable but if its my quad thats letting me down, should I have gone for a bigger single or dual processor?
Plus I keep getting jittery sound and crashes on hl2, not too often, but enough to annoy,, could this be my processor aswell?
Plus I keep getting jittery sound and crashes on hl2, not too often, but enough to annoy,, could this be my processor aswell?