Intel To Demo 64 Bit Xeon


Aug 22, 2003
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0 said:
Well several of you sent this news in. Intel has been broken, and will be demoing a 64 bit version of Xeon next month at IDF. Unfortunately grafting on 64 bit doesn't give you HyperTransport or an integrated memory controller. Performance will not match Opteron, and in fact the current performance delta will not change as a result. What will change is 64 bit support will accelerate for everyone.

The demo, which follows the AMD64 approach of Intel foe Advanced Micro Devices, is expected at the Intel developer conference, Feb. 17 through 19 in San Francisco, said sources familiar with the plan. Intel had code-named the technology Yamhill but now calls it CT, sources said.

This should help bring 64bit to servers, workstations and even the desktop a lot quicker. More programs made since they know Intel will soon be behind this movement.
And AMD64 has it's advantages with hypertransport/intergrated memory controller still.
Intel adopting AMD64 extentions for X86 is good. ;)
Asus said:

This should help bring 64bit to servers, workstations and even the desktop a lot quicker. More programs made since they know Intel will soon be behind this movement.
And AMD64 has it's advantages with hypertransport/intergrated memory controller still.
Intel adopting AMD64 extentions for X86 is good. ;)

I like Intel because they're phenomenally competent, suprise you with technology you had no idea was coming, and seem almost modest about it. Look at Hyper-threading, it was in the P4's all along, yet was simply locked and therefore hidden. Then suddenly with the release of the 3.06GHz P4, it was like "Oh hey, we've got this too". There's plenty of rumours that this will will happen with 64-bit as well. Granted they're now obviously doing it in the server market, but their 64-bit extension for the Pentium (apparently codenamed Yamill) will probably be very present in Prescott, but also probably locked until the market has enough 64-bit software to make it usefull.
Yeah, it should be in prescott. But not really compatible with the final version they are working up. Therefore it will be hidden in prescott jk
I really dont know the advantegous (sp) of a 64 bit processor over a 32 bit? Anyone care to enlighten me?
We are going to 64bit because we are aproching the 4gb mark mostly.
32bit PCs cannot address more than that.
Some workstations are starting to need more than 4gb right now. Desktops won't see that for a bit.

Operations that with 32bit would need to divide the operation to make 32bit chunks can now just use 64bit chunks. Makes it faster.
Asus said:
Intel adopting AMD64 extentions for X86 is good. ;)

Most definately, but what ever gave you the idea that Intel is adopting AMD64? I'm sure they will do the best they can to push their own version of x86-64 to try and steal AMD's 64-bit thunder. The question to me is whether MS will let them...
staddydaddy said:
I really dont know the advantegous (sp) of a 64 bit processor over a 32 bit? Anyone care to enlighten me?

Read this thread about Gabes statment concerning the HL2 64bit client.

I have read all the roadmaps and this hardware should be available in May. I will build this system for HL2, but only if HL2 is actually on store shelves.

AMD64 3700+
ATI IXP400 motherboard
1gig (2X512mb) DDR550 Corsair 1024TwinXDDR2proC2 in parallel configuration.
2X 74gig WD Raptors in RAID 1+0
ATI R423 256mb AIW PCIexpress
Audigy2 ZS (will require 64bit driver)
LianLi PC-61 case
Enermax 460watt PSU

This system will ROCK any 32bit chip under 4 ghz, and it has the extra edge of running HL2 64bit client. It may even be able to overclock to a 4ghz chip equivalent since it uses the new 939 socket. It also has parallel DDR capability. If you are building a HL2 machine, this is what I recommend you build.
TheOtherDude said:
Most definately, but what ever gave you the idea that Intel is adopting AMD64? I'm sure they will do the best they can to push their own version of x86-64 to try and steal AMD's 64-bit thunder. The question to me is whether MS will let them...

Intel has gone to MS and asked them if they would make an OS for different 64bit extentions and they basicly said hell no.
MS has already a 64bit OS out for Intel (for their Itanium).

Intel has to use AMD's 64bit extentions otherwise they won't work with MS 64bit OS that is coming soon.
And that is probably why they are keeping any 64bit support in Prescott locked because they need to make it compatible by the time Tejas is around if they deside to go that route (64bit on the desktop that is).
ImJacksAmygdala said:
Read this thread about Gabes statment concerning the HL2 64bit client.

I have read all the roadmaps and this hardware should be available in May. I will build this system for HL2, but only if HL2 is actually on store shelves.

AMD64 3700+
ATI IXP400 motherboard
1gig (2X512mb) DDR550 Corsair 1024TwinXDDR2proC2 in parallel configuration.
2X 74gig WD Raptors in RAID 1+0
ATI R423 256mb AIW PCIexpress
Audigy2 ZS (will require 64bit driver)
LianLi PC-61 case
Enermax 460watt PSU

This system will ROCK any 32bit chip under 4 ghz, and it has the extra edge of running HL2 64bit client. It may even be able to overclock to a 4ghz chip equivalent since it uses the new 939 socket. It also has parallel DDR capability. If you are building a HL2 machine, this is what I recommend you build.

You dont need something like that to run halflife 2 with good fps, nice waste of money though if you like to build a system just for gaming. Id wait off to see if the market takes to 64bit fast which i highly doubt. Maybe in a year or two.
ImJacksAmygdala said:
Read this thread about Gabes statment concerning the HL2 64bit client.

I have read all the roadmaps and this hardware should be available in May. I will build this system for HL2, but only if HL2 is actually on store shelves.

AMD64 3700+
ATI IXP400 motherboard
1gig (2X512mb) DDR550 Corsair 1024TwinXDDR2proC2 in parallel configuration.
2X 74gig WD Raptors in RAID 1+0
ATI R423 256mb AIW PCIexpress
Audigy2 ZS (will require 64bit driver)
LianLi PC-61 case
Enermax 460watt PSU

This system will ROCK any 32bit chip under 4 ghz, and it has the extra edge of running HL2 64bit client. It may even be able to overclock to a 4ghz chip equivalent since it uses the new 939 socket. It also has parallel DDR capability. If you are building a HL2 machine, this is what I recommend you build.

That will be a killer system, but you have to choose between RAID 0 or RAID 1. You can't do both with only two drives. ;(

Also, that memory will be way more than you need, even if you plan on overclocking. Unless, of course, these S939 chips allow you to run DDR433 or DDR466 or something like that while keeping the processor frequency at factory specs. That would be awesome, but I wouldn't count on it happening.
TheOtherDude said:
That will be a killer system, but you have to choose between RAID 0 or RAID 1. You can't do both with only two drives. ;(

Also, that memory will be way more than you need, even if you plan on overclocking. Unless, of course, these S939 chips allow you to run DDR433 or DDR466 or something like that while keeping the processor frequency at factory specs. That would be awesome, but I wouldn't count on it happening.

It will all be here in May. I read somewhere that there will be a ATI chipset that allows a RAID 1+0 array using just 2 drives. (mirroring and striping performance)

I plan on overclocking that 3700+ and I expect I will need DDR2 faster than PC3200 to do it.....

I have read all the roadmaps. Some chipsets will be able to use both DDR and DDR2 and Corsair is showing it off next month. The mobos and CPU I want will be here in April, and hopefully XP64pro with all 64bit drivers for hardware (Creative Labs Audigy2 ZS) and ATI's R423 will be here sometime before May. Regardless it should all be here in May and by the time HL2 has its Summer 2004 release. By then this stuff will no longer be the latest hardware and therefore will not be the most expensive. So I think thats the system I am going to get.