interesting log

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ferd, i also heard that too, but are we/vALVE even 100% sure of that?
"The source is out"

-Forums: No way. You dumbass! ... ... OH SHIT!

"A semi playable version is out"

-Forums: No way. You dumbass, you cant make a game out of the source, all the goodies is in the recourses. Hah ... dumbass ... ... ... HOLY CRAP!

"A pregold ver. of the game is on the verge of release"

-Forums: Hahahaha.. thats the funniest thing i have heard in a long time. No way that`s going to happen! Dumbass ... ... ... ... ***********

To be concluded.
dont ... trust ... anyone ... must ... resist ... AAARGH!
oh, yeah, forgot to ask!! for anyone who played the beta, what happened with the hydra???

Ok let me get this straight, YOU supposedly had a conversation with the dude that hacked Valve? Ok fine...

Then you two exchange ICQ numbers? Ok fine again...

Dude listen up, you are now accessory (sp?) to the crime! LOL You are either really ****en stupid, or you posted this for attention. What one is it?

It's like this:

Bank robber tells billy bob that he robbed a bank. Billy bob dosen't tell police of what he knows till police charge him. Then billy bob makes a plea bargin for a lighter sentance for his most helpfull information. LOL

If you know the dudes ICQ# you basicaly know he adress now. Send that info to Valve and let's get this shiit over with so we can all play the dam game!

Originally posted by Dedalus
i've forgotten the exact quote from Macbeth, but it goes something like "be the gentleman on the surface, but a serpent under't".
A moment of silence. Somebody just quoted Macbeth on forums. ;(
Originally posted by WaSwAt
its fake, i know for sure... i am talking to the same guy and he says he has tricked someone :. his name was "annon" but it actually wasnt

i dont understand
he say it's fake but after that people still talk like it's real
so is it fake or real??
[16:56] <censored> Just let me make it clear
[16:56] <censored> Buy it when it comes out
[16:56] <mansus> i will
[16:56] <censored> Valve worked hard as hell on this man
[16:56] <censored> 5 years, they deserver 50bucks
[16:56] <censored> I was just sick of delays...
This jackoff is a real piece of work.

"Look, I stole their game and am illegally distributing it over the internet, but just so you don't think I'm bad guy, I'm going to admonish you to buy the game!"

Not to mention his actions have delayed the game even further. Yeah, good going, Anonymous Wanker!
i wonder if i make up a bunch of crap and post it here.. will everyone believe me as readily as they believe every other piece of crap made up by other people?
Originally posted by Mountain Man
This jackoff is a real piece of work.

"Look, I stole their game and am illegally distributing it over the internet, but just so you don't think I'm bad guy, I'm going to admonish you to buy the game!"

Not to mention his actions have delayed the game even further. Yeah, good going, Anonymous Wanker!

He (claims that) never meant to leak it over the internet. He wanted it for himself.

I'm not saying that that's ok, far from it. But there's quite a difference between those two intentions.
if he didnt leak the source he would be ok just release the beta ya know?
^^ thats true :/ hes wrecked things for all of us coz he couldn't wait two months for it to come out :(
wasnt it about 3-4 months when we first heard about it? I can't remember
the fact that any of you beleive, or mens belevies its real amazes me, there are so many people that probally log onto irc under hte name ANON and trick people out like that, there is no way in hell thats thats him.. why would he even use the word ANON everything ANON on IRC if you use a proxy.. lol... man.. common...
[16:56] <censored> Valve worked hard as hell on this man
[16:56] <censored> 5 years, they deserver 50bucks
[16:56] <censored> I was just sick of delays...

Are you people ****ing blind? The code was stolen BEFORE Valve announced the delay. Got that? BEFORE. Mens is just another attention whore trying to fool the community for the hell of it.

Two other people have mentioned this, but no one cared. Is it because you want it to be true, so you can play your pre-gold on Thursday? I should hope not. Let me go over it again: the source code was stolen before the delay. Some time after, Valve realizes and delays HL-2 because of the Source Code leak. This supposed conversation with the hacker, however, mentions that the hacker stole the code because he was sick of the delays. Note the plural there. It was announced by Vivendi in the summer, and by Valve just before the 30th. How could this hacker have known about the delay BEFORE it had been announced, especially considering he is the one that caused it?

And I thought I should point out the HUGE irony that Source Code was stolen from the Source Engine. Heh heh.
so suposedly (?), tomorrow there's going to be released a better versioon of the beta?? or am i getting this all wrong?
Fake, need proof?

[17:15] <mansus> did u actually hack valve?
[17:16] <censored> . . .cant touch that, not safe 4 me
[17:16] <censored> it wasnt a 1 man job.


[17:18] <censored> It wansnt gonna be a leak
[17:18] <censored> I hacked it and was gonna keep it 4 me

He says he can't say he was the hacker, then blantantly says he did... It cannot get any more obvious.
some time this week this is what every1 is saying wendsday to thursday most likely
If at all, it'll be on Thursday...

imho i doubt it, but ya'never know... :-/
we all doubted the source and then we all doubted the beta we never know
I have had underground sources for years and they have informed me this anon guy is greedy about what he has stolen from valve! So hopefully he wont leak no more of the other stuff. I know and otheres know what he really has. I hope he does dont release it though or poor valve is screwed more than they are.

Long live valve!
We can't really prove for 100% that it's fake or real.

We'll just have to wait and see.
Originally posted by ParaBellum
A moment of silence. Somebody just quoted Macbeth on forums. ;(

what's wrong with that?
Originally posted by Dedalus
what's wrong with that?

Just a break from the accustomed level of intelligence in the forums. ;(
Originally posted by alco
Just a break from the accustomed level of intelligence in the forums. ;(

oh right. i've got my res up really high so i couldn't see your smiley clearly. now i can see you're shedding a tear. it's ok, i feel your pain.
We can't really prove for 100% that it's fake or real.

We'll just have to wait and see.

Yes, we can! Did you read the bloody thread AT ALL? Four people so far have proven the message to be a hoax. Why in the hell everyone ignores it is beyond me. I suppose they're so selfish that they want more of the leaked game, and they want it know. The pigheads don't want to think about the possibility that the message is fake, because all they can think about is their precious beta and their own fun. Jesus but these boards make me sick sometimes.
Originally posted by Dedalus
oh right. i've got my res up really high so i couldn't see your smiley clearly. now i can see you're shedding a tear. it's ok, i feel your pain.

it ain't pain

it's tears of joy...
Originally posted by InsertNameHere
Yes, we can! Did you read the bloody thread AT ALL? Four people so far have proven the message to be a hoax. Why in the hell everyone ignores it is beyond me. I suppose they're so selfish that they want more of the leaked game, and they want it know. The pigheads don't want to think about the possibility that the message is fake, because all they can think about is their precious beta and their own fun. Jesus but these boards make me sick sometimes.


Trust me when I say I ain't getting the beta. But people sometimes make mistakes, and even contradict themselves. I bet you would've thought that the log about two people chatting about a beta was fake, too. Look what happened there.

I sincerely hope that there isn't a pre-gold version released. But for now, we can only wait till HL2, and see what happens along the way.
I just can't believe how stupid some people are, judging the game and complaining about bugs from AN INCOMPLETE BETA! I didn't get it because I'm pretty sure playing it would completely ruin the game for me. What would be better, playing it prematurely and bug-ridden, with no real plot or coherent flow to the action, with missing textures and AI...or, open up the box on the official release date, install the game from a disc, pay Valve for their hard work, and get the full "Half-Life 2 experience?"

And you just know that there are going to be people who don't get the game after it's released. "Yeah, I was going to get it, but the beta didn't really impress me so I decided no to."
Originally posted by InsertNameHere
Yes, we can! Did you read the bloody thread AT ALL? Four people so far have proven the message to be a hoax. Why in the hell everyone ignores it is beyond me. I suppose they're so selfish that they want more of the leaked game, and they want it know. The pigheads don't want to think about the possibility that the message is fake, because all they can think about is their precious beta and their own fun. Jesus but these boards make me sick sometimes.

The Didnt "prove" anyting it was there opians and fragmaster said it was delayed back in augest so dont belive what you hear from the guys at these fourms all the time
Originally posted by InsertNameHere
I just can't believe how stupid some people are, judging the game and complaining about bugs from AN INCOMPLETE BETA! I didn't get it because I'm pretty sure playing it would completely ruin the game for me. What would be better, playing it prematurely and bug-ridden, with no real plot or coherent flow to the action, with missing textures and AI...or, open up the box on the official release date, install the game from a disc, pay Valve for their hard work, and get the full "Half-Life 2 experience?"

And you just know that there are going to be people who don't get the game after it's released. "Yeah, I was going to get it, but the beta didn't really impress me so I decided no to."

I agree with this... but what does this have to do with what we're talking about???