Interesting new 9/11 article


Aug 4, 2003
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there is a new article about a bloke called william rodriguez who worked at the wtc as a janitor for 20 years and on the day of the attacks, felt strange explosions coming from the basement seconds before the first plane struck

He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions.

All these events occurred only seconds before and during the jetliner strike above. And through it all, he now asks a simple question everybody should be asking? How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above and burn a man’s arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within seconds of impact?

read the full article here

whether you're a conspiracy theory nut, a sceptic or a believer in the official story, its an interesting read and somewhat disturbing
How do I know this man is telling the truth? Why is this new news? Why didn't he say something before?
new to me, i created the thread therefore i worded it as new...if its not then shoot me

why are people on internet forums so obsessive over whether articles or whatever are 'new'?
Doppelgofer said:
new to me, i created the thread therefore i worded it as new...if its not then shoot me

why are people on internet forums so obsessive over whether articles or whatever are 'new'?

My point is, why didn't he say something before? If this is new, then obviously there are more factors to it than what appears. If it was released a week after 9/11, then maybe it is true.
14 witnesses? So why has it not been big news? Covered up by the government? Why isn't this covered up as well then? Why am I asking so many questions?
i wondered this aswell and then i thought well maybe they've been silenced then i think DON'T BE STUPID then i realise omg i am stupid then i start to hurt inside then i release it all with tears
Read it all, and although theres some interesting and odd things in there i don't think he's right. Those explosions could be electrical points shorting from the explosion higher up creating electrical fires and stuff. I mean he didn't actually SEE anything, just heard explosions. Who knows, i don't buy it though, he just doesnt come across as convincing.
How about looking at engineering? a plane had just stuck the building, that might have put some stress onto building causing some odd effects.

I wonder where the weights for the elevators went? Down maybe?

and why is this not being carried by the major news outlets instead of somesite trying to collect $25,000 so the truth can heard?
I don't think the government is competent enough to pull off anything like that :/
Well they could've easily gotten a guy to wander in there with explosives strapped to him on the bottom floor. They managed to hi-jack 2 planes, so getting 1 guy to wander in as a bomb would be childs play.
Pesmerga said:
My point is, why didn't he say something before? If this is new, then obviously there are more factors to it than what appears. If it was released a week after 9/11, then maybe it is true.

He did, he was interviewed by NBC reporters a short while after 911but they never aired it.
Zomg someone call Spooky Mulder and Scully to solve this case!
After the impact, blazing hot jet fuel shot down the elevator shafts. People on the lowest floors were incinerated.

He may have just been confused as to the time of the jet's impact.
MiccyNarc said:
After the impact, blazing hot jet fuel shot down the elevator shafts. People on the lowest floors were incinerated.

He may have just been confused as to the time of the jet's impact.

jeez is that true?...I still cant belive it sometimes something so big just ...gone wow thats horrible
Ikerous said:
I don't think the government is competent enough to pull off anything like that :/

Illuminatus!, :o

Mr Bush is a member of the 'scull and bones' which just so happens to be a chapter of the Illuminati, which is intriguing and rather odd, especially the secrecey of it all.

is this what our leaders and elites do in their spare time...?
clarky003 said:
Illuminatus!, :o

Mr Bush is a member of the 'scull and bones' which just so happens to be a chapter of the Illuminati, which is intriguing and rather odd, especially the secrecey of it all.

is this what our leaders and elites do in their spare time...?

I don't know if you meant George Bush's father (George Bush) because he is a 33rd level mason, scary to think about the Illuminati etc, its something I'm highly interested in, I wish someone would make a thread on the subject....
Lemonking said:
jeez is that true?...I still cant belive it sometimes something so big just ...gone wow thats horrible
Yes, I saw a documentary about the attacks, using video footage taken by someone in the WTC. He turned the camera away from the elevators because he couldn't record the people and what was happening to them (live incineration is horrible)
StardogChampion said:
Look at the very end when it shows the music used, it's all dodgy music like Marilyn Manson. Conclusion: Some 15 year old monkey made that whole video up in his bedroom.

.................? michael moore uses some marilyn manson in bowling for columbine aswell as other rock music. you're being so narrow minded by dismissing what has been put forward in that flash purely because the creator used marilyn manson? jesus christ, i lose faith in humanity when i read what some people write in forums
MiccyNarc said:
Yes, I saw a documentary about the attacks, using video footage taken by someone in the WTC. He turned the camera away from the elevators because he couldn't record the people and what was happening to them (live incineration is horrible)

i had to watch that documentary in contextual studies on the media course i'm on at the end of last year...9/11 its called and made by two french brothers. incredibly INCREDIBLY disturbing documentary but i think its something everyone needs to see
dark8, i've been reading some stuff about them chemtrails you posted.....very spooky stuff indeed
The thing I'm failing to see here is:

Why blow the towers up? If it was for some justification for the upcoming war, then just the act of flying the planes into the buildings (which no-one can deny happening) and the death and destruction that caused should have been justification enough. If the government/illuminati/moon ponies orchestrated that as well, then why bother with the explosions?
Distinct lack of reasoning going on here.
Ok, I can accept that , but to what end? The attack with the planes was sufficient justification in and of itself, even if the towers had remained standing.

So there's still no justifiable reason for the towers to be blown up.
Are you looking for a reason to their actions? That's pretty pointless. You know most of the terrorists didn't even know they were all going to die, just that they were hijacking it. The pilots were the real crazies.
I'm not even sure we're discussing the same thing here. I'm referring to the argument being posed that the government caused the towers to collapse through explosions.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'm not even sure we're discussing the same thing here. I'm referring to the argument being posed that the government caused the towers to collapse through explosions.

Oh. Yeah I agree, thats even more far fetched O_o
Here's a wikipedia article about it (scroll down to supporting arguments):

A September, 2000 report by the Project for the New American Century (cofounded by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Perle), entitled Rebuilding America's Defences: Strategies, Forces and Resources For the New Century (, states the following:
"To preserve American military preeminence in the coming decades, the Department of Defense must move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts, and seek to exploit the emerging revolution in military affairs."
"Further, the process of [military] transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."
Maybe that's why our goverment did it?
*debates with himself on whether to move this to the politics forum where it will be defecated upon by it's over-zealous and ego-centric population, or leave it here in a fairly clean state*
Tr0n said:
Maybe that's why our goverment did it?

When the attack with the planes was justification enough, why bother with the "explosion"?
Our goverment likes to go out with a bang. :D

Seriously tho...maybe to cause more deaths.Hell al'qaeda attacked the world trade towers before in the early 90's.They put a bomb in the garage area and took out like two floors...but a few years after the attacks no one gave a damn.Hell even during the USS cole bombings bearly anyone cared.It would take something...big and very disastrous to get the worlds and americans attention.The two planes hitting the world trade towers would have done it...but hey taking it a little further and killing almost 3000 people would have got more peoples attention.

Again read that quote I posted up there.
So there's still no justifiable reason for the towers to be blown up.
Au contraire, it's the psychological effect that gets to people. The fact that those two monuments are gone have a HUGE effect on the population.