Interesting new 9/11 article

KagePrototype said:
*debates with himself on whether to move this to the politics forum where it will be defecated upon by it's over-zealous and ego-centric population, or leave it here in a fairly clean state*

please leave it here because i don't like to visit the politics section as it blows my dick off
Doppelgofer said:
dark8, i've been reading some stuff about them chemtrails you posted.....very spooky stuff indeed

chemtrails are also created by HARRP, the Scalar waves emitted by high frequency radio waves exite air molecules heating the atmosphere in a localised area, creating rapid condenstation resulting in the unusual chemtrails,
Pi Mu Rho said:
When the attack with the planes was justification enough, why bother with the "explosion"?

i think 9/11 was a massive conspiracy within the american government and they are obviously going to take steps to make sure that all goes according to plan even if that includes placing explosives incase the plane idea goes wrong. they're not going to let such a massive thing like that go to shit are they. its also stated that a fortnight before the attacks, employees of the wtc were evacuated hours at a time for a few days due to 'cable installation' yet for some reason they deactivated cctv and disabled the lifts

now i ask simply, why?
if this was true ...william rodriguez would be dead and we'd be reading something else instead of this
@ Goffer how dare you dude? thats pretty offending to me I know the US Govermnet sucks and lies at so many things. but thats just stupid and and very offensive what ur saying there:flame:

PS: ur a geek
lol, i wouldnt think you should find that offensive, infact I think you should open up a little bit and perhaps realise that sometimes things are f'd up and really arnt anywhere near as idealistic or plain as you think they are, how do we know that all this isnt pre planned? pre organised not by some small terroist group, but by a world organisation that has infiltrated corporations and entire government's, I mean your president is a member of a secret satanic cult for starter's, which just so happens to be part of an Illuminati chapter in the new world order.
lol you being pretty light headed for beliving that he aint no cultist he may be a wanker but he sure doesnt kill 3000-5000 on purpose
oh of course not, we know all these people very well, because the media tells us who are the hater mongers and the murder's , and who are the nice people we can trust.
I refuse to respond cuz you suck in a way that I cant find words for on google
keep telling urself those little theories in your one room apartment
ok Lemon king i can clearly see your taking it far too personally, so ill go back to my one room apartment :stare:
Tr0n said:
Here's a wikipedia article about it (scroll down to supporting arguments):

Maybe that's why our goverment did it?

I recognised that from a Project for the New American Century article ...the organization is neo-con thinktank with such notable members as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz ...I doubt that particular phrase is evidence of foreknowlegde ...I mean, they're evil, but not that evil
thank you stern,as I said the US Goverment is as bad as it can get now but that stuff is just plain BS nobody is that evil even Hitler would have thought twice doing that to his own people(even thoe he killed 6million German jews but ye know what I mean)
CptStern said:
I recognised that from a Project for the New American Century article ...the organization is neo-con thinktank with such notable members as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz ...I doubt that particular phrase is evidence of foreknowlegde ...I mean, they're evil, but not that evil
That reminds me of a quote from SW Ep.3..."Good/Evil is a point of view".You can never really know someone.

Those that seem good can be very evil.I don't doubt for one second a goverment/person could do something like that.
and its not like there really evil, there probably just patsy's or puppets, with idealistic views. The real decision making probably occurs outside of the skull and bones, and is fed down to all the secret organisations as component's that are designed to work to unite or bring forward the main purpose of the Illuminati, the new world order... if they really do still exist.
lemonking i love you and need your babies...please accept this gracious gift of terrys chocolate orange, a gift i only usually strictly offer to loved ones
If you want the full truth about 9/11 (or at least a good overview) better watch 911 - Martial Law:

Don't believe what that guy is saying (it will sound crazy), see it as a base for your own research. It is one possible view point, make up your own opinion.

About the question: "why bomb the building":

What was the goal of 'terrorists' (whoever that might be)?
Right, to spread terror. If they just fly into the building and the building is repaired later then nobody is terrorized. The towers HAD to come down in a Hollywood movie fashion (big fireball, crumbled to dust, no survivors, one shock after the other, nobody is safe, you don't know when it will end).
The primary aim was not the towers, it was your mind. It is called psychological warfare. It is up to you to find out who profits from creating fear.