"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

Platinum said:
Allantois ... very VERY creative ... that is so professional looking too ... great posing and script ... i dig it man ... you've got talent

...and time. :D
Geez guys...I leave for a day...and look at all this...seams as though I've created a monster...-beams with pride-...some frickin' funny pics though...I've a couple more o' my own I'm not quite posting as yet...being on another comp and all...but until then...keep 'em comin' fellas...fill this damn thread up
Alright you bastards...here's the latest from yours truly...

...more to come


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hey guys, when i put the fuel bottel on a plane, what is the command to set it off? and is there commands to move it yourself? i saw people do it on vids
u just shoot the tip with the physgun (the blue one u came move things with)
A couple more to add to the madness...


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talk about body bag

alyx got owned on a tire

dont you hate it when you need to carry lots of supplies to build? and you only can hold one at a time? well, check this out! its got working wheels and a flip top!

it can carry lots of stuff!!!

P.S. this thing really works, the wheel spins, so you can drag it around, and the top cover accually works too! tell me your msn if you got it if you want the saved game file. and for those that has sites, can you host it?
Yeah, the wheels in garrysmod are great, much easier/better than jbmod.

I currently have Garry's Mod and Building Blocks Final, but I have nothing that spawns Eli or Breen, or a great deal of the objects used in the above pics.

Could someone tell me where on earth they came from? Thanks! ;D
Talfrey, the newest version of garrysmod comes with a map that spawns the characters that are not in Building Blocks. Also, you could use the console to spawn npc's. There are numerous threads on this forum detailing how to do that and also gamefaqs has a good guide.
i cant get this mod to work at all... i like the fact it has no read me at all :p

no idea where to put all thes erandom files and no self installer and no icon to load this game up im so confused :bounce:
Just extract the whole zip file to SteamApps/SourceMods and it appears in Play Games.

My best attempt...


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got to load it but ummmm its hl2 ...i have no idea what it mods but ummm ok. :rolling:
it does have a readme... it's named 'wtf.txt'. would have been nice if it was called readme.txt, but oh well.
Here's my monitormobile :)
It moves pretty fast and makes a cool sound, but has a low clearance and easily gets stuck on stuff.

Pics 3 and 4 is the conveyor, made of rotating oil drums


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Heh...seems we're running a little dry on ideas here guys...do try to keep the pornographic ones to a minimum...I'm leaning more towards humor here...if you're that desperate to see some t&a...well, this is the internet after all...and just becase there happens to be a female in the game...doesnt mean she atomatically becomes the token whore of the bunch.
What I'd like to see is someone make a town or city purely from this mod alone. People walking down the road, people talking with each other, riding bikes, and people working. Maybe a few signs here and there and someone try to make buildings? :cheers:
Damn people, it's hard for me to get the ragdolls to sit in a chair or something. they usually turn around the wrong way when using the physgun :/