"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

L337_Assasain said:
Where can i get that map?
If you are talking about the one my pic is in and a few others it is buildingblocks_final
hahah the citizen team pushing one is GOLD JERRY, GOLD!

i mucked around with it, any tips for posing? Or is it supposed to be incredibly tedious and requires much patience?
Nindoze said:
hahah the citizen team pushing one is GOLD JERRY, GOLD!

i mucked around with it, any tips for posing? Or is it supposed to be incredibly tedious and requires much patience?
Beh, it dosen't take that long. It is confusing at first but you will get the hang of it :thumbs: . It only took me about 15 mins to get the hang of it. One tip I can give you is
1) pick them up by the head and freeze them by the head, then if you want to move arms or something move them then freeze them. You can unfreeze the head then move it or something or freeze the body. (I am not good at explaining things :P )
from hl2world (the guy got it from hlfallout)



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The first one was the best friggie, then after that they got a little whacky
two more from the karate tiger :x


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Oh hahahahah. I'm so laughing right now. Those screenshots are too powerfull. :D
Now I know why the Combine want to stop us from reproducing. They want to hog our playgrounds:


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ROFL! that buckethead cracked me up!

You guys are amazing with these stuffs, keep it up.
This is my first attempt at it. That first step is a tricky one.


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Do you have to put down lot of stuffs on console in order to create images like these?
Mine was made using the building blocks map, nothing on the console. The item she is tripping over is an item that is on the flag pole after you push the button next to it.

Only console commands...(after loading garysmod through steam)

map building_blocks_final
sv_cheats 1

last two are optional.

Then press F5 to take a screenshot.
Bedwetting Type said:
Now I know why the Combine want to stop us from reproducing. They want to hog our playgrounds:
:laugh: I laughed my butt off looking at the CP on the swing.

Now, I can go to sleep with a smile on my face. Thanks!
Combine helmets aren't known for visibility:


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some watermelon happiness


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How do you add rag dolls. I spawned eli and killed him with a zombie but I couldn't move the rag doll.
NetWarriorDan said:
How do you add rag dolls. I spawned eli and killed him with a zombie but I couldn't move the rag doll.
I'd like to know this too.. can you spawn usable ragdolls in buildingblocks?
Keep these comin'! they're the funniest screens i've seen since hl2 came out :D
Tupper said:
I'd like to know this too.. can you spawn usable ragdolls in buildingblocks?

Yes, or kill a monster with the mega phsygun. I just jacked up the power using a config. Pull stuff across the map and blow it away.

plop this in your config file

Physcannon_maxforce 999999999999
physcannon_minforce 999999999999
physcannon_maxmass 99999999999999
physcannon_pullforce 999999999999
physcannon_tracelength 99999999999

Or just get the map buldingblocks_final
some combine vs combine action


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The no hands one is ownage
first image i thought oh ho hum thats quite clever hee hee
second image was lmao
"I'm kicking my own butt!"


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Wow.. playing around like this is surprisingly enjoyable.. I just spent an hour playing with this!

Image: One of Dr. Kleiner's experiments with a barrel of fuel gets a little... heated :p


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^ @ Blink's pic:

"The roof. The roof. The roof is on fire."

First thing that came into my mind when i saw that pic.
Kouler said:
^ @ Blink's pic:

"The roof. The roof. The roof is on fire."

First thing that came into my mind when i saw that pic.

'we dont need no water...'