"Interesting Poses" - The Official Thread for Garrys Mod Screenshots / Movies / etc.

More Pics!

These were done before I knew that you should pick them up by the head rather than the chest... but whatever.
BTW I had to edit them so they would fit.
I'll post a second time to get all of them in...


  • Matrix 1.jpg
    Matrix 1.jpg
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  • Matrix 2.jpg
    Matrix 2.jpg
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  • Matrix 3.jpg
    Matrix 3.jpg
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  • ahh what do I do what do I do....jpg
    ahh what do I do what do I do....jpg
    35.6 KB · Views: 2,131
  • Pole-Lovin'.jpg
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More Pics!

Here are the rest of them...


  • Last-Minute Moon.jpg
    Last-Minute Moon.jpg
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  • No Comment.jpg
    No Comment.jpg
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  • No Commant 2.jpg
    No Commant 2.jpg
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matrix barney


  • buildingblocks_final0013.jpg
    75.2 KB · Views: 1,761
"Pull up a chair Gordon" Is my absolute fav so far. Is there any way to add animation to that? :naughty:
You need garry's mod and the map buildingblocks_final
I'm so hurt now
but sorry

no really I'm sorry I havent slept in 3 days and therefore have kind of a bad judgement....
Barney was behaving badly and the Combine made an example of him...

Oh and don't whine about anti-aliasing. It's a killer with many objects on the map.


  • buildingblocks_final0001.jpg
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Everyone's doing kung fu scenes, so I did a little fighting game scene based off of the SNK games. Not sure how many people here will get the reference, but it's easy to follow anyway.

For those who know, the Combine's imitating Geese Howard, while somewhere between Black Mesa and City 17 Barney learned Terry Bogard's ultimate desperation attack.

Dan, how'd you pose the G-Man? I kept trying to ragdoll him with the super physgun, but he just stood there and stared at me.


  • Gather_energy.jpg
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  • Rush.jpg
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  • Ignition!.jpg
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  • Burning.jpg
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  • KO.jpg
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i wanna play this game

I have garys mod how do i go in that map with the grass feild
sHm0zY said:
i wanna play this game

I have garys mod how do i go in that map with the grass feild


Very funny pictures guys, keep them up. (I'm not very good at it...)
i got garrys mod ... i just dont get first of all how to spawn people .. .and how you get all the emotiosn on their faces ... grrrrr ...
Platinum said:
and how you get all the emotiosn on their faces ... grrrrr ...
Where in the world did you get that idea.
This is such an awesome thread.

Great mod too, so much fun... :D

Don't have anything worth posting... yet
For more professional photography: :P

bind [ "cl_drawhud 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; r_drawvgui 0"
bind ] "cl_drawhud 1; r_drawviewmodel 1; r_drawvgui 1"

I want to make more poses but can't think of anything much...

You could set it up to a toggle button like this: (Note I probably did it wron with quotes and such, plz fix it someone)

alias hideall "cl_drawhud 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; r_drawvgui 0; bind [ showall"
alias showall "cl_drawhud 1; r_drawviewmodel 1; r_drawvgui 1; bind [ hideall"

bind [ showall
Ah I was looking for a way to get right of the weapon model and such :D Thanks!

Yeh, I know what you mean, I've ran out of ideas :( I'm still proud of my tire catch one though :laugh: :D
poprocz said:
"Pull up a chair Gordon" Is my absolute fav so far. Is there any way to add animation to that? :naughty:

Possibly, but it would take me a very long time doing it with stop animation
This one really happened, I swear to god. The guy won a Darwin Award:


  • darwinaward_small.jpg
    74.4 KB · Views: 1,307
FictiousWill said:
For more professional photography: :P

bind [ "cl_drawhud 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; r_drawvgui 0"
bind ] "cl_drawhud 1; r_drawviewmodel 1; r_drawvgui 1"

I want to make more poses but can't think of anything much...

You could set it up to a toggle button like this: (Note I probably did it wron with quotes and such, plz fix it someone)

alias hideall "cl_drawhud 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; r_drawvgui 0; bind [ showall"
alias showall "cl_drawhud 1; r_drawviewmodel 1; r_drawvgui 1; bind [ hideall"

bind [ showall

Try this

Developer 1
alias "hideecho" "echo leftarrow=hide hud; echo rightarrow=show hud"
bind 0 "hideecho"
bind leftarrow "cl_drawhud 0; r_drawviewmodel 0; r_drawvgui 0"
bind rightarrow "cl_drawhud 1; r_drawviewmodel 1; r_drawvgui 1"

When ever you press the "0" key a menu will pop up in the top left of your screen"

Got the idea off this npc script

developer 1
alias "npcecho" "echo u=combineshotgun; echo i=combinesmg; echo o=combinepulserifle; echo p=manhack; echo .=zombie; echo /=fastzombie"
alias "npcecho2" "echo j=citizenshotgun; echo k=citizensmg; echo l=citizenpistol; echo semicolon=citizenrpg; echo m=antlion; echo ,=antlionguard"
alias "npcecho3" "echo [=notarget; echo ]=ai_disable"
bind "7" "npcecho"
bind "8" "npcecho2"
bind "9" "npcecho3"
bind "u" "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun; npc_create npc_combine_s"
bind "i" "npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1; npc_create npc_combine_s"
bind "o" "npc_create_equipment weapon_ar2; npc_create npc_combine_s"
bind "p" "npc_create npc_manhack"
bind "j" "npc_create_equipment weapon_shotgun; npc_create npc_citizen"
bind "k" "npc_create_equipment weapon_smg1; npc_create npc_citizen"
bind "l" "npc_create_equipment weapon_pistol; npc_create npc_citizen"
bind ";" "npc_create_equipment weapon_rpg; npc_create npc_citizen"
bind "m" "npc_create npc_antlion"
bind "," "npc_create npc_antlionguard"
bind "." "npc_create npc_zombie"
bind "/" "npc_create npc_fastzombie"
bind "[" "notarget"
bind "]" "ai_disable"
Man, this mod is awesome! Although it crashes every now and then on my computer, maybe it's just too crappy (not the mod) and can't handle all those models or sumthin but HL2 has never crashed... Oh well... where do I find and put the building_blocks_final map?