Interesting post on bit-tech considering steam


Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
i found a very intersting post on the forums:

well his first comment sucks: i agreed to first then i must agree to 2nd to play online.

1. you can still play online but you need to search for other won server thingy (never looked it up)

2. game companie has al right to stop support. won was getting old they needed new updated online server thingy: steam
KillaH said:
i found a very intersting post on the forums:

well his first comment sucks: i agreed to first then i must agree to 2nd to play online.

1. you can still play online but you need to search for other won server thingy (never looked it up)

2. game companie has al right to stop support. won was getting old they needed new updated online server thingy: steam

... Dude... Is it odd that I didn't understand that AT ALL?
:x Sorry, but I couldn't understand you. :(
did you read the first post from the link?

well repost, maybe its more understansdable:

i found a very intersting post on the forums:

Well his first comment sucks:
i agreed to the first EALU out of the half-life box, then the WON system gets shut down and iam forced to use steam. if i want to play half life online iam forced to agree to the steam contract, which i do not agree to.

well he is forced to nothing. when agreeing to the first EALU he agreed to the fact that a game companie owns the right to quit all support for it.

well with WON shut down he says he's forced to use steam. well he isn't. you can still play online without but you have to find an other master server. (here is a site which includes info on running cs without steam

game companies have all right to stop support (look at the back of you bf:v copy if you have one) it owns all right to stop support. well valve stopped support on WON because it was aging. they started a new online network system called steam so they continued on an other platform.

look at startrek elite force 2 activision stopped all support because of an lawsuit now when you look at the servers there are maybe 10 servers with most of them empty or half empty.

the thing that i find stupid about this all is that there are still copies of half life itself and the generation pack 3 (and 2) are being sold with a lot of people unware that they can't play online without steam and the fact that with half life itself ($10 or less) you can get all the games except blueshift. and with generations 3 ($20 or more) you only get blueshift extra.

i think some people buying that never come to know of steam, and that has to change. valve has to get back all those coppies and release valve's back catalog on cd/dvd or don't release it again

(to late to edit first post, can one of the mods out there delete content of first post and direct it to the third?)