Internal beeps


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Hiya. I need some help here. I have a pretty good idea of whats wrong here, but before I start shelling out some cash I figure I might as well ask the community for reassurance.

Ok heres the deal... I just put in a new 512 chip of ram that I got from newegg and all. Now sometimes (that is, not everytime :)) I start hearing some beeps come from the computer. By computer I mean the actual hardware, not from the speakers. After I hear the beeps whatever I am doing will lock up for a random period of time, then come back like nothing happened. Once it does it once though, it keeps coming back until I let the compy rest in a powered-off state (usually over night, since a restart wont fix it). Of course it eventually happens again, which is why I am persuing this.

Sometimes however, it doesnt come back. For example, when I was playing hl2 (for the second time, I thankfully was able to finish the game problem free before this whole speel) it happened. At first it went as it normally did, it just locked up for 10 seconds or so, then came back. Then it locked up, repeating the sounds as happened the other times, but then it repeated a shorter bit of the sound at a higher rate... then back to normal repeating sounds... then back again to the rapid fire short sounds. It then proceeded to not come back from that. A restart and I was back in buisness, but I am now afraid to play again :).

Now for a neat little observation of mine. I have the X-Dreamer II case. So I have all these nifty little leds, and lit-up fans doin their thing. Now when the computer goes into its fit, I have noticed that the lights dim for a split second, and do so erraticly until the computer comes out of its fit. This is what led me to the conclusion that my power supply is the culprit in this mischevious game of "piss off krynn72."

So my question is... am I right in this conclusion? Here is the relevent information:

The X-Dreamer II came with a 350 watt PS, which I kept. It is powering the two led case fans, the front leds, the temp display, the 9600pro, the mobo, 2 hard drives, 2 disk drives, a non-functional floppy drive, a shitbrand soundcard, and a AMD Athlon 2500+ which WAS OVERCLOCKED to 2.1ghz, now put back down to 1.9. I had 512mb of ram in before the upgrade, which was comprised of 2X256mb sticks, so now there are 3 sticks of ram in this cramped baby.

So the only other thing I can think it may be is the cpu, since that was overclocked for quite some time now. Whatcha think?

(and sorry for the longass post, I just like to write :))
Try taking out the 512MB Ram you bought and see if it stops beeping. What kind of bios do u have and how many beeps are there do they go by slow or fast.
I'm thinking your RAM is malfunctioning or your PSU is inadequate. Like Fil said, remove your recently installed 512MB ram stick and see if it still happens.

Do you get any errors and such when installing applications ?
Any bluescreens every now and then ?

If so, I'm guessing the RAM is causing trouble.

Look up the mainboard manual and search for the meaning of the beep(s). Most motherboards have a beep-signal for different sorts of errors.

Edit: I remember getting series of beeps from my old motherboard (internal speaker) when I needed a new PSU.

Edit2: Have you checked the temperature of your CPU and GPU ? I may be overheating.