internet fads...


Jul 4, 2003
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You know, I was just sitting here contemplating, or constipating not sure which... But anywho, i was thinking about some of the stupid internet fads that seem to come around from time to time, like leet speak, the star wars kid etc. etc.
How do these things get started and get so wide spread? Ya know, we should start our own fad and see if it catches on, just get enough people to start saying one certain thing online and it should spread right, so any other forums you go to if you continually use this one saying and everyone chips in it could quickly become popular and then everywhere we look the nubelets of the world will be using our own version of the leet speak...
My idea is simple, everytime you type a message make a point of ending it with "cheesecracka'", now when you say "cheesecracka'" its like saying "you know what i mean"

Man, I just surfed some pr0n and boy is my arm tired, cheesecraka'?
Think it will work? And if not, how do you supposed the internet fads catch and grow.. I would like to start one of my own, and sort of leave my legacy to the world, cheesecracka'?
Innervision961 said:
You know, I was just sitting here contemplating, or constipating not sure which... But anywho, i was thinking about some of the stupid internet fads that seem to come around from time to time, like leet speak, the star wars kid etc. etc.
How do these things get started and get so wide spread? Ya know, we should start our own fad and see if it catches on, just get enough people to start saying one certain thing online and it should spread right, so any other forums you go to if you continually use this one saying and everyone chips in it could quickly become popular and then everywhere we look the nubelets of the world will be using our own version of the leet speak...
My idea is simple, everytime you type a message make a point of ending it with "cheesecracka'", now when you say "cheesecracka'" its like saying "you know what i mean"

Man, I just surfed some pr0n and boy is my arm tired, cheesecraka'?
Think it will work? And if not, how do you supposed the internet fads catch and grow.. I would like to start one of my own, and sort of leave my legacy to the world, cheesecracka'?

I invented STFU :D
heh I don't think cheesecraka will catch on maybe somthing shorter, cheescraka?
chesscraka maybe... or how about, SWIS, (see what i'm saying) maybe thats a little more logical then?
I say swoot all the time, we could get that to catch on, or wubba wubba.
Am I rite?
It's a trap!
lol u tk him to da bar|?
did I do it rite?
in your base, killin ur d00dz
do you have stairs in your house?
:thumbs: Is extensive searches for porno a fad? Especially hardcore.
I know a fad, everyone has to use the winamp visualization thing...crazy colors! Farrow, that is a good idea you could start by making rules about no d00d speak or anything, and suspend people who don't comply.
Normal language is for normal people... Let me ask you something: -

How many normal people have you come across on the internet?
Farrowlesparrow said:
The real question is. What is normal?

Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical
Sprafa said:
Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical
Can normal be the minority?
90% of all internetthings are invented by SA.
Mostly by pictures.
Maybe we need a photoshopcontest?