Internet flame wars.

That was stupid what a waaste of bandwith. This thread should be closed.
Yeah ya Nazi!!..Just kidding, just kidding..God, you've really got no sense of humor.
Narcolepsy said:
Remember guys, everyone has his/her own opinion.
No they don't. You're opinion is obviously wrong. I have a PhD in psychology and I've studied the science of public opinion for 25 years. Nobody has their own opinion. And you're gay and Nazi. And obviously everyone else on this board supports me. Hey, don't take offence or anything, no need to get all crazy on me just cause you can't handle a joke.
This really makes me feel like flaming someone....
You're all Nazis, you ****ing nationalist jew-hater! Yo moma dont even love you!!! etc. etc. Woe to those who read this spoiler. :|
Is that an OWNED i have a degree in Physchology

or an owned, cant think of anything else to say ?