Internet radio = screwed, RIAA = money-grubbing bastards


Jun 25, 2004
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I wonder if the RIAA realizes it's killing off another great venue for them to get the music out. I don't personally listen to internet radio, mostly because of the connection I have here at school, but this clearly can't be a good thing. I mean, regular radio sucks worse with every passing day, at least internet radio is fairly fresh and diverse.

*goes off and downloads a bunch of music to get back at RIAA (but not seriously, don't sue me you cash-happy f*cks)*

edit - Oh, I almost forgot, here's where you can go to protest this action.
figures...I dont listen to internet radio besides Pandora. What are some links?
I got an email about this the other day from Pandora :| This better not happen. Pandora is freakin awesome. Found like 1 hojillion new bands through it D:
I got an email from Pandora too. I signed the petition, and told a bunch of my friends to.
**** this. They won't stop it. I can't describe how pissed off I am, except that I'm going to exact revenge. My brother has an internet radio station, I need to email him and see what he has to say. I'm pretty unclear about whats happening, but I know I love listening to the internet radio, and if I didn't have that, then I wouldn't be able to listen to music anymore, because they don't play music that I like on the FM radio.

I don't buy music, so I guess I'll just have to do what I have to do... :flame:
Can someone give links to some sites???????
I'd sign the petition but I live in Canada... this pisses me right the **** off ;(
I just use the internet radio from Winamp.....I don't know the sites off the top of my head.

But I'm not worried, I pirate my music anyway.
I listen exclusively to internet radio while at work .regular radio has either very crappy music or too much chatter/commercials ..I'm listening to retro 80's right now

/me shakes fist at the RIAA
I listen exclusively to internet radio while at work .regular radio has either very crappy music or too much chatter/commercials ..I'm listening to retro 80's right now

/me shakes fist at the RIAA

Yeah, that sounds like the most intelligent thing for me to do, but I just turn on the radio stations around here.....\=
well I do listen to radio but only college/talk radio ..most mainstream music sucks ass so I cant listen to it
If all these bands are in it because they love music so much, why don't we force them to take a salary of 100k or less a year, and force them to donate the rest to charities?

After all, if you're doing what you love then money shouldn't matter, right? 100k is plenty of money to live comfortably on.
If all these bands are in it because they love music so much, why don't we force them to take a salary of 100k or less a year, and force them to donate the rest to charities?

After all, if you're doing what you love then money shouldn't matter, right? 100k is plenty of money to live comfortably on.
Yeah, seriously. I don't mind supporting the small bands who are barely ekeing out a living, but these ones who get million a year for shitty music just astounds me. And then the RIAA has the balls to ask for even more. It's f*cking ridiculous, just like the MPAA.
Osay Oday Iay.

But don't say it too loud, the RIAA is everywhere... watching... waiting... suing...

Haha, amazingly, I'm still fine. Been going at this for years, and no problems. it seems they are going after people, mainly, who have uploaded gigs upon gigs of the stuff....

But oh well. I havn't downloaded music in so long..
Pandora asked me to sign a petition about this...too bad I don't live in the US
Just posted this on about 5 other forums that I frequent.

****ing RIAA, they piss me off man.
Yea Canada!

If all these bands are in it because they love music so much, why don't we force them to take a salary of 100k or less a year, and force them to donate the rest to charities?

After all, if you're doing what you love then money shouldn't matter, right? 100k is plenty of money to live comfortably on.
Most bands don't get insanely rich. There are some pretty well known groups that make just enough to live on. And, even so, they don't see much money from album sales. I'm pretty sure the bands aren't the ones going around trying to clog up the industry anyway.

I hope the people at RIAA realize they're hurting the industry more than they're helping it. Shutting down internet radio? And the MPA threatening guitar tab communities? Next thing you know, you won't even be able to hum music without paying royalties.

someone should toss this up on 4chan.. theres always trolls there haha
The reason the RIAA don't give a shit that what they're doing is 'damaging the industry', is because technically they aren't damaging that part of it which affects them. The RIAA is not about fostering creativity (LOL, even the notion makes me laugh in despair...). Artists on RIAA labels constitute a ridiculous percentage of record sales - something like 90%. They have a monopoly which they maintain by way of mainstream radio and TV, which tends to play only their shit - their artists' singles, their artists' back catalogues.

Internet radio (and file sharing) doesn't really fit into that. Since mainstream music is so widely available anyway there is less reason for, say, a Christina Aguilera fan to come online and use Pandora than there is for fans of artists on indie labels. The internet (and P2P) is a podium for bands who exist outside the major label monopoly to make a name for themselves and become known by dint of their quality, through word of mouth. The RIAA doesn't care at all if it crushes that 10% of the market which they don't own into an even smaller margin.

The RIAA (and the British equivalent, the BPI) would basically like to have illegalised anything that a) doesn't make them money and b) doesn't involve their artists.

Incidentally I find it ironic that today's music artists, most of whom are talentless cretins rehashing the same formula and milking an aesthetic for $$$, are referred to as 'artists', yet they 'work' in a music 'industry'. FFS make up your minds, is it an art or a craft? There is no god given right that says you should be able to live off the music you make. I see no reason to pay for music except to show my respect to artists that inspire me, which is something that shouldn't be obligatory - it should be more like the little box at the front of the National Gallery in London asking you to kindly donate a suggested amount. And **** the music industry. Who cares if it collapses? Since basically the RIAA and its ilk = the music industry. But trust me, it's in no danger of collapsing; BPI labels enjoyed record-breaking album sales for a bunch of years straight, from something like 2002-2005 (maybe further, haven't checked). That's another thing they keep pretty quiet about.

Damn, this issue always makes me rant off my head. BTW, online petitions just don't work. In my experience they're more of a symbol that your cause is absolutely hopeless and that you can't mobilise more than token resistance from angry kids ;(
Every single time I read something like this, my resolve to never stop torrenting strengthens tenfold. **** the RIAA. I buy albums only if I feel like the artist is worth supporting - Nine Inch Nails, TV on the Radio, Boards of Canada, El-P, etc.

I'm almost at the point where I'm going to just send the artist like $50 with a note - "Hey, I downloaded your stuff, but I don't want to support anyone but you, so here's way more money than you would have gotten otherwise because there's no record company in the way"
I don't listen to radio, I like to just choose music. Oh and
Thought so, it always seemed just the tiniest bit too far-fetched, even for the RIAA :P

I'm downloading an album right now.

**** you RIAA.
I'm almost at the point where I'm going to just send the artist like $50 with a note - "Hey, I downloaded your stuff, but I don't want to support anyone but you, so here's way more money than you would have gotten otherwise because there's no record company in the way"
You know what? As much as I like having the physical disc and packaging, I'm going to try and find out how I could go about this.
I'm almost at the point where I'm going to just send the artist like $50 with a note - "Hey, I downloaded your stuff, but I don't want to support anyone but you, so here's way more money than you would have gotten otherwise because there's no record company in the way"
I think that's why it'll never happen (legally speaking). Even with all the stories of the "poor poor" artists getting screwed by the big guy, etc. they still have it pretty damn good. Because I can't see even half the bands that get constant play on the radio being able to make it on their merits alone.

I don't know about other genres, but these so called "rock" bands today are absolutely horrible. None have a unique sound and it seems they just can't keep their paws off the stock fx that ship with ProTools (I don't know if there are but it seems like it).

So yeah, maybe the really good bands that would have no problem making it completely on their own are getting screwed by the record companies. But I think the majority of bands and "artists" out there are living a much better life than they should be thanks to the record companies.