RIAA wants the Internet shut down

WARNING: Do not turn on light. Turning on light will illuminate room.

Heh. What that switch really does is turns off all the outlets in my room. So everything in my room would shut off if I switched it. :o

That's why it has the guard on it. I've flipped it one too many times and pissed myself off.
Quick, must post this picture while I have the chance!

Heh. What that switch really does is turns off all the outlets in my room. So everything in my room would shut off if I switched it. :o

That's why it has the guard on it. I've flipped it one too many times and pissed myself off.

They're on the same circuit as the lighting?
That's exactly what the New World Order wants.

So that's why Bush committed 9/11! Kathaksung was right!! :~D
"ONE OF THE lawyers involved in defending cases bought against people by the RIAA claims that if the music industry wins a crucial case, the Internet will have to be switched off."

So because one guy says something that's highly exaggerated, everyone goes into a panic? It would never happen, tons of people and businesses rely on the internet. It would be like "shutting off" television.


What?! the internet is getting switched off?! You mean I'll have to actually go out shopping again?! This cannot happen.
*updates all Steam games before shutdown*
ugh....the RIAA is such a corrupt and defunct organization.....we should ban them from the intertubes......
I wonder where the switch to the internet is.. hmm... Bill Gates' office most likely. Errrgh... Must.. update.. Galactic Civilizations 2...
There's a big button somewhere.