Internets help plz :)


Dec 28, 2005
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Ok, so i have to stay at ... err. we'll say a friends house for a week. I new they had a decent internet connection and all so i decided to drag my computer along with, i have a small switch here with me because i knew they didnt have a switch or an intergraded router. After getting it all set up, I got the little message that said my network cable was unpluged to go away, but then i realized that because she didnt have a router, I didnt have an automatically assigned IP address. This was something I thought I knew how to do.. till i actually had to do it :p

how do i connect to the internet manually with a static IP, and with out any software? I cant seem to get it configred. Her computer is admin, so that should help. Right now ( if you where wondering ) Im hooked right into the router. sorry if this is in the wrong place, but i didnt know where else it should go, and you guys are always really good at help out around here so.. help plz :)
-> Network Connections -> Connection whatever -> Properties -> TCP/IP Properties -> and you should be able to pop an IP in. I have no idea how to get an IP manually, I just know that's where you plug it in.
Just turn on Internet Connection Sharing on the machine currently able to access the internets. It'll then provide DHCP for you and everything will work as long as that machine is running.

Otherwise you'll need to set your own ip as above and set the default gateway to the modems ip.
you can bridge a connection from the admin computer if you have a second network card or you should be able to get a connection if you disconnect power from the modem and plug it back in.
How do I find the modems IP?

I've tried everything it seems. theoretically I should just be able to have them both connected via the switch, and DCHP should just take over and work right? I mean, im getting full connection, but the addresses just arnt there to get me any where. At the same time, i cant ping the other computer on the network, i get 100% loss.
I don't know if this will help. I copied this from an internet page one day, thinking it might be useful info in case I can't connect.

Your best bet is google TBH.

I'm thinking just duplicate what her computer uses. Go into her settings and see what IP she has.

You can also find the ip/DNS details from the tray network icon > local area connection status > support tab > 'details' button.

First thing I would do is turn off the modem for 30 secs, like someone said already.

Good luck finding your answer

Is the G604T still set up to act as a DHCP server?

I tend to set DNS relay off and just hardwire the DNS settings in - eventually the memory gets fille dup or something and the router goes fubar.
posted 2006-Jul-20, 9pm AEST
User #128382 692 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
"limited or no connectivity" ususally means that you are not getting an IP address from your router. There can be a dozen of reasons why, but the easiest way to try to fix the problem is to set IP address manually on your wireless network card.

Instead of "Obtain IP Automatically" select "Use the following IP" and type:

IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:


Reboot your router just in case.
posted 2006-Jul-20, 9pm AEST
User #126369 1418 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
DHCP problem it is.

Flush your PC's DNS cache:
open a command prompt & type 'ipconfig /flushdns' {enter}

Set XP TCP/IP properties to DCHP auto everything.
The important bit is to set the gateway in XP = your router's IP. Then PC asks the router for the DNS, router has already got it from the ISP gateway.

OK back out after the above & go to a command prompt again.

Type 'ipconfig /all' {enter}
You'll see something like:
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : {name}
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : {your NIC model}
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-xx-xx-xx-xx
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : {PC IP addr}
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : {router IP addr}
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . : {examples, your DNS #1 here} {examples, your DNS #2 here}
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Thursday, 20 July 2006 2:54:58 PM
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Friday, 21 July 2006 2:54:58 PM

If it's worked the 'your DNS numbers' will be there & be real!

Also Google for 'DNS cashe tweak' or see
posted 2006-Jul-20, 10pm AEST
User #27441 2827 posts
Whirlpool Forums Addict
Redpacketboy writes...
DHCP problem it is.

Which would have nothing to do with

Flush your PC's DNS cache:
open a command prompt & type 'ipconfig /flushdns' {enter}

This just clears whatever name resolutions have previously occurred, including failures

Set XP TCP/IP properties to DCHP auto everything.

Which is mutually exclusive to:

The important bit is to set the gateway in XP = your router's IP.

You cannot set a static gateway, if your IP address is set to be obtained from DHCP
posted 2006-Jul-20, 11pm AEST
edited 2006-Jul-20, 11pm AEST
User #126369 1418 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
If your system caches a negative lookup it can hang around for a while blocking access - hence clear the cache & see the tweaks suggested.

Think you're right about the DHCP/set gateway one :)

You can also find the ip/DNS details from the tray network icon > local area connection status > support tab > 'details' button.

Have you looked up your router for DNS issues in the forums?
posted 2006-Jul-21, 12am AEST
User #30417 391 posts
Forum Regular
img88d writes...
Yep, definitely DNS problem. Try specifying these DNS in your card's IP settings:

Damn, those are nice ones to use.
I just started using the DNS servers and
Seem pretty good. Check the website if you wanna find out more... though I guess these etc ones would work just fine :)
posted 2006-Jul-21, 12am AEST
User #126320 104 posts
Forum Regular

Seems that ipconfig /flush and using worked.

Thanks for replies everyone, this forum is good

edit- i went to forward some ports in and restarted via the same and f#@k it, wireless no more. Anyways the quest continues

Does this :- look wrong?
posted 2006-Jul-21, 1pm AEST
edited 2006-Jul-21, 4pm AEST
User #126369 1418 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
Picture only shows hardware - nothing useful about IP configs.

Occasionally some of the domestic routers can have issues with less used IP ranges so I've read somewhere.

Have a look at
There's a squillion answers in there.
posted 2006-Jul-21, 11pm AEST
User #126369 1418 posts
Whirlpool Enthusiast
By the way, that DNS is actually in the USA.
OrgName: Level 3 Communications, Inc.
Address: 1025 Eldorado Blvd.
City: Broomfield
StateProv: CO
PostalCode: 80021
Country: US

So you're having to send each request (often many in one web page) to the USA & wait for the response each time. I pinged 164mS from Sydney.

While it's likely to have very fresh DNS entries, if you live in Oz, you're loosing time & may have issues if international traffic slows down/breaks as it does sometimes.

Try - got 9mS yes 9, no typo.
OrgName: Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
Address: PO Box 2131
City: Milton
StateProv: QLD
PostalCode: 4064
Country: AU
posted 2006-Jul-21, 11pm AEST
edited 2006-Jul-21, 11pm AEST