Introducing...Me, the greatest.



Hi, I'm Superbuc, one of the thousands of frustrated people who are waiting for Half-life 2. I'm here to know more about when it will be out and to know people who are frustrated too. Cya on other forums.
RedKetchup said:
I bow to his greatness :sleep:

You are assuming he is male!! :angry: :angry: :devil: :devil: :angry: :cheese: :devil:
Everyone knows that I am the greatest, sorry. You can be second greatest if you want to. :p

And BTW where is Gatineau?
Superbuc said:
Hi, I'm Superbuc, one of the thousands of frustrated people who are waiting for Half-life 2. I'm here to know more about when it will be out and to know people who are frustrated too. Cya on other forums.

Welcome to the site.
hopefully some of that frustration will reside with the announcement of the RC sent to VU ;)

anyway hope u enjoy it here :thumbs:
B.Calhoun said:
Everyone knows that I am the greatest, sorry. You can be second greatest if you want to. :p

And BTW where is Gatineau?

Gatineau is in Québec, the french province of Canada
B.Calhoun said:
Everyone knows that I am the greatest, sorry. You can be second greatest if you want to. :p

And BTW where is Gatineau?

Only the greatest know where Gatineau is :p
welcome .. to the real world (someone else said welcome to city 17, its safer here)