Introducing "Morgann" an original HL2 Character..!


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Time for me to post a few new model shot of my latest endevour.
"Morgann" as I like to call her has taken about 3/4 days so far and all I got to do is compile the model to have her as a standalone human character addition to HL2 for you all to download and enjoy. For the moment she will be just for HL2, but I may also do a CS version.. She comes with no less than 8 textures and LOD versions so the model wont blow up your computer.. Anyhow I hope you like her..!

Ohh, and this compiling of the model is being a headache for me so far, perhaps some nice soul out there who has already managed it could lend me a hand..? Thanks..!




She reminds me of Helena Bonham a chimp, in Planet of the Apes. In bondage gear.
Technically, pretty good work, but....a bit odd.
thereisaspoon said:
no offence but, 8 textures, i've seen better lookin models on 256x256 texures

Wow, easy there, 8 textures meaning 2 colour maps 2 bump maps 2 spec maps and 2 alpha maps or couldnt you figure that out..? Pity..! :hmph:
Pretty nice. Proportions dont quite fit realistically into the Half Life 2 world, but it's a decent model. I'd have modelled the clothing in as well, as there's not much. no need to paint clothes on with todays technology.

As for the character herself, she looks like a post-apocalyptic Courtney Love ;)
the model is quite good, but i dont like the head. its too big, and apart from having the worst haircut in the world :)p), the cap needs to sit more on her head as opposed to ontop of her hair. the boots are also rather weird...quite low and bulky. also, until you get around to rigging the face, it would help if she had a more subdued expression.

nice model though, better than i could do.
The head is too big and the face and lips look a little....butch. Very good though. The skin texture looks very realistic.
looks alright... but the first things that draw my attention are her hair and her lips. Her hair is pretty ugly (well, then again, who I am to judge the style of the future?).

And her lips are 1) Too big... not even angelina jolie has lips that large. 2)why does she have glossy lipstick? The texture and clothing implies that she's dirty and doing something "in the field", for lack of better term. She textured like a worker on everyhting but her lips, which you make like she's ready to go to the prom.
" thereisaspoon"
i dont know how much u know about texturing but this is damn fine texture the skin shader was made really well none of that hard sugested shading and highlights its all done through specs ......i think ur mistakening the black dirtyness to shading..
its a very well dont model and skin altho i see a few errrors around the straps of her top it normal mapped?
you really should have modeled the clothes.
And here is the new girl in game..! I changed a few bits like hair/boots/lips etc.. gonna do another colour map I think.


I like thei model and I love the fact you got it in game, unlike a lot of other people. You also skinned it and normal mapped it. You deserve a lot of credit and I think the ickle problems the model has can't even be seen.
I think it's well done, and far beyond what we've seen from most people.

Keep it up. I have seen more realistic looking models before, but this is strong work and you should keep moving in that direction.
Just change her face. That blank stare just makes her look like she rides on the short yellow bus.
Tough crowd. I like it, she reminds me of a girl I used to date :|
IchI said:
I like thei model and I love the fact you got it in game, unlike a lot of other people. You also skinned it and normal mapped it. You deserve a lot of credit and I think the ickle problems the model has can't even be seen.

Legend. Thats all an artist wants to here after the days of hard work put into this just to get ripped up by people.

Nice work man keep it up. Nice to see a character model instead of weapons man, better than i could do i cant do characters for nuts :thumbs: love the poses.
I appreciate all comments guys, thanks ;) . It helps me in the long run to improve my skills..! I do normaly post in 3 forums and I love reading peoples comments on my work. Its half the reason I do it I guess. :smoking:

One thing I will say, is that making this character has been both challenging and fun, and also very frustrating at times. I knew it would be technically very hard to get a completely new HL2 char into the game, but I had no idea.. :eek: :eek: Im glad I have got all the techy learning out of the way. Phew..! What a steep hill to climb. But as they say,"Learning is the Spice of Life"..

Keep lookin here later today and I hope to have a nice release package ready sometime in the next 24hrs. I have completely re-skinned and re-rigged her as well as the phys box collision, Its much more accurate now..Im just taking peoples advice and changing the face a little, and i might spend an hour or two on the hair. But you must realize that she is in a totaly nutral facial expression and as soon as I rig her eyes and mouth, she will come alive so to speak. But I am doing the mouth again.. A smirk or grin me thinks..? Even I havent seen what she looks like with a smile yet. :naughty: :naughty:
Slap, if you're not already on a mod team then pm or email me - I've got an opening on mine. Can't email or pm you directly...
not bad, but the face should probably be remodelled a little... some of the proportions and three dimensionality of it are off... otherwise not bad :)
Is morgan supposed to look like a crack whore? She definatly looks a bit out of it, having her laying one the street doesn't help.
I loooks sooo bad... the lips, the hair... those STRANGE things on her legs. sorry... nice try
It is refreshing to see someone actually doing a new character model, let alone getting it in-game.
I don't know jack about modelling, but from what I've heard over time, character models are almost
the hardest models to make. A lot of subtle things can go wrong, and when the player sees that
model in-game, their attention is drawn right to the errors.

I don't know what sort of character you're going for, so I don't know what feelings you want
to bring out in the people who see this character. If you're shooting for "resistance whore,"
like said above, you've hit the mark with the skimpy "painted on" clothing and somewhat starved
physique. Perhaps you could write up a description of what the character is about and the kinds
of thoughts and emotions you want people to have about her so we can better judge if you've
hit the mark or not.

Considering that it's a work-in-progress, I think that you've done a good job. I'd have to agree with
one of the previous posters about her head not being shaped quite right; it looks rather too wide
and round to me. Of course the eyes and mouth arn't finished, so I can't say anything about the
face just yet.

You seem to have fallen afoul of a model design problem Valve had that goes by the name "helmet hair."
It's pointed out in HL2: Raising The Bar that Valve had to ditch the long hair from any and all
of the character models 'cause it looked way too rigid, among other design reasons.
Also, that hat just does not look right; it gives me the feeling that it'll fall off at any moment
when she's standing up, and lying down it really looks like it should fall off. Try making it cover
further down her head so it looks like it has more surface to hold on to, or give it another visible
means of staying on.

At the moment, in my opinion the most fitting place I can think of for your character would be within
the Dystopia mod's world. The atmosphere of that mod just seems to mesh with what I'm getting
off of your model. With some cleaning up and tweaking I'm sure you will find a home for this model
somewhere. Best of luck to you!
Ill post some new shots today, and I promise you wont be disapointed..hehe My latest build is far superior to the one above.. :D
She looks pretty freaky but your work is without peer from what I have seen around. Keep it up.