Introducing myself

nice little minion you have there. you better train him properly

That has stopped working on Facebook for some reason.
Congrats, Munro!

Hopefully, Glenn won't usurp the throne.
Welcome to the internet little man. Kids these days are getting into technology younger and younger!
Oh christ, he's breeding!

I have seen a lot of you people become staff to prevent that, but apparently none of you could handle the task.

Congratulations Munro, I hope you'll have many enjoyable years with your own recently flushed parasite! :p
Novelty account - ban.

He has an awful lot of hair for a baby. And he looks magnificent :D
Bawwwwwwwwwwwww, those are the cutest bears.

Oh, and I guess the kid's alright too.
Warped, you forgot the start button.
Congrats, hope the little one doesn't keep you awake too much...
Hopefully, Glenn won't usurp the throne.

He must be taken into hiding! The wizard, Darkseid, will train him in the ways of the internet until he is of age to take control of the forum.

Congrats, Munro! (the big one that is)
Congrats Munstrone.

I await Sulks to sketch a comic depicting the clash at the end of Munro's reign.
He must be taken into hiding! The wizard, Darkseid, will train him in the ways of the internet until he is of age to take control of the forum.

Taking Munro's baby would be akin to stealing a dragon's egg.

Albiet a lazy no-show of a dragon.
loljks, don't hurt me!

Sure, you can get away with it for a while, but he is Eternal. He will look for you.

Time would be not an ideology to mull over. Time would not be a finite resource.
Wait, a woman let Munro impregnate her. Actually let Munro's Sperm fertilize her eggs.
Congrats, Munro. One day your son will be old enough to post on the account you created for him, and succeed you in creating

I'm just kidding, Half-Life 3 will never happen.
Congrats Munners! He's adorable.
Train him to be a super mod well (ohgodwhyamiherenealewharareyoudoi-)