Introductions Thread

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ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
If you're new to the Forums, this is the place to be. Take a step in here, introduce yourself, meet fellow members, and be sure to check out the forum rules while you're at it.
Can we talk to the new members in this thread or should we just let them perform their silly acts?
Argh, the removal of the noob forum is making me click on general games when I think I'm clicking on general offtopic. This'll take some getting used to.
Thank god that forum is gone.

New members, feel free to PM me with any questions, concerns, or sexual solicitations.
I'm gonna miss that forum. Made it easier to say hello to individual users.
Argh, the removal of the noob forum is making me click on general games when I think I'm clicking on general offtopic. This'll take some getting used to.

Same. I got especially confused since I saw sinkoman post a software question in the general games chat instead of the hardware/software section but I thought it was in the general offtopic chat so i said something about it being in the generall off-topic instead of hardware/software which made me look stupid and have to edit it since it was actually in the general games chat.

It really messed me up, and I didnt notice until I saw this sticky that the newbie section was gone, and thats why I was so messed up.

Anyways, Ill be the first to say:

Welcome to Its safer here.
Beware the danimal.
Dont drink the water.
Oh, and ignore rape comments. They are normal here.
I can almost guarantee nobody will use this thread. In fact I'm rather worried that a single thread for all newbie introductions means that new posters will either:

A) Become lost in a sea of pages (by that I mean that you might not notice every newbie who comes in if you don't check every page in this thread)

Or B) End up creating more "I'm new" threads out in places like General or Half-Life that will need to be deleted.

Plus it's all so...impersonal.
I'd have to agree with Darkside. I think making punishments more severe in the Noob Forum would work worlds better than this solitary thread.
I can almost guarantee nobody will use this thread. In fact I'm rather worried that a single thread for all newbie introductions means that new posters will either:

A) Become lost in a sea of pages (by that I mean that you might not notice every newbie who comes in if you don't check every page in this thread)

Or B) End up creating more "I'm new" threads out in places like General or Half-Life that will need to be deleted.

Plus it's all so...impersonal.

I agree.

Nothing is more gratifying than to see your first thread become a degenerate piece of useless space filled with unrelated and sexual comments.
Hmm... Darkside is right I guess. I mean, its really nice as a newbie to get attention from forum veterans I reckon (ie. in their own thread).

I agree.

Nothing is more gratifying than to see your first thread become a degenerate piece of useless space filled with unrelated and sexual comments.

Hey, some of us do make an effort to be kind to newbies. Besides, as I said before, you are getting attention nonetheless, which newbies would like.
Hey, some of us do make an effort to be kind to newbies. Besides, as I said before, you are getting attention nonetheless, which newbies would like.

I wasn't ironic. This is absolutely satisfying.
I also agree with darkside. Especially his point B. Hardly anybody, especially newbies, check stickied threads. If you make a thread sticky, you might as well make it invisible. People just dont even notice it.
Well, I suppose I'm a bit of a nublet, so hallo everyone. I'm from the interwebs.
Well hello Thare, TheDude. so you were born from a wire and a server?
So this is where Newbie Central went... yeah, I prefered the old one. I didn't go there much, but most threads I saw there had like one post by the n00b at the start followed by about two pages of spam. If that's what they were worried about, why not just make the mods be angrier? Besides, Newbie Central was a catagory. Anyn00b could spot it just by scanning down the page. A few of them will probably go into other forums before they look in Off-Topic, and even then, people do tend to overlook sticky threads. I don't know, this one could probably work fine, I just don't see what was wrong with the old one.

Oh and... greetings to TheDude. Have a watermelon.
I hate this.
Welcome Dude, Beware Banimal.
Much, much worse is an understatement.
Don't listen to these fools, It's much much better
Oh, and Cyberpitz lies a whole lot.
This thread is going to be unbelievably long if all of the spam traffic from Newbie Central ends up routing through here.
This thread is going to be unbelievably long if all of the spam traffic from Newbie Central ends up routing through here.

Which is why its better to have it spread out over a whole sub-forum. Dont wanna wade through all the spam? Post a new thread of your own!
I don't think I've ever posted in the newbie forum, but I should have. Regardless, I guess I should add my opinion that I don't really see the logic in this, as well. I sort of felt the same way about the change to a specific Videos, Images, and Flash Dump sub forum, but I didn't say anything. I suppose that's workable, but there's 42 pages with a lot I missed, but, of course, that's my own fault. It just seems more natural to me to have them surface in ot, but I digress.

That being said, there were some pretty reprehensible replies in there that probably drove some cool people away. People need to gently be immersed into the perverse comedy here, they might not otherwise be able to handle it. I'm not sure if this change will address that, but I could be wrong.

If he looked at your post and you continue to go unpunished... consider yourself lucky...

Also, baykuns
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