Invisibility cloak er... "shield"


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
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According to this article clothing that could render a man invisible similar to the invisibility cloak used by Harry Potter could be just around the corner

"Is it science fiction? Well, it's theory and that already is not science fiction. It's theoretically possible to do all these Harry Potter things, but what's standing in the way is our engineering capabilities,'' said John Pendry, a physicist at the Imperial College London.

Scientists not involved in the work said it presents a solid case for making invisibility an attainable goal.

Such a cloak does not exist, but early versions that could mask microwaves and other forms of electromagnetic radiation could be as close as 18 months away, Pendry said. He said the study was "an invitation to come and play with these new ideas.''
"We will have a cloak after not too long,'' he said.

"To be realistic, it's going to be fairly thick. Cloak is a misnomer. 'Shield' might be more appropriate,'' he said.

OK, can't wait for this thing to be on the market:naughty:
Saw this on Wired the other day. Very cool I think.
Once it gets to clothing, I'll be wearing a jumper where the sleeves are invisible and trousers that are invisible, so that only my head, hands, feet, and torso remain. Then I'll go around calling myself rayman.
I saw something similar in a magazine before. Some guy had a shirt on, with cameras on the back facing away from him. Somehow it projected everything behind him onto the front of his shirt, which made his torso see through. It wasnt perfect because the image was distorted from wrinkles in the shirt but I was damn impressed. Of course this seems like it will be better... albiet more expensive.
this will never be a consumer product will be used by the military ..most likely for espionage/clandestine positioning of troops if you look at it that way's not really a good thing
Krynn72 said:
I saw something similar in a magazine before. Some guy had a shirt on, with cameras on the back facing away from him. Somehow it projected everything behind him onto the front of his shirt, which made his torso see through. It wasnt perfect because the image was distorted from wrinkles in the shirt but I was damn impressed.

No this is different. The material you are talking about acts like sort of a display requiring a rear camera to show what's behind the object.

The material these scientist dudes are talking about is different and much better, this could be the real deal. This new exotic material can make light of any wave length practically flow around the object rendering it invisible.:D
Oh, this is awesome. Its gonna make the military stronger for the rich nations, while weaker for the not-so-rich nations. :D
Redneck said:
No this is different. The material you are talking about acts like sort of a display requiring a rear camera to show what's behind the object.

The material these scientist dudes are talking about is different and much better, this could be the real deal. This new exotic material can make light of any wave length practically flow around the object rendering it invisible.:D

Oh no doubt. Thats why I edited my post ;). Just saying that i saw something like it before. This would be sweet. You could totally freak people out. Stand in front of them while they are walking and let them walk into your shield. Then you could move it out of the way and be like "watch where you're going damnit!!" and then dissapear again.

All they would be able to do is make a :eek: face.
Krynn72 said:
This would be sweet. You could totally freak people out. Stand in front of them while they are walking and let them walk into your shield. Then you could move it out of the way and be like "watch where you're going damnit!!" and then dissapear again.

All they would be able to do is make a :eek: face.

Yeah that would be awesome, but unfortunately Stern is right, this will be for military use only. Oh shucks:(
CptStern said:
this will never be a consumer product will be used by the military ..most likely for espionage/clandestine positioning of troops if you look at it that way's not really a good thing
At first yes, but if it does work out then I can absolutely guarantee it will make it's way to consumer products. Or at least into non-military commercial applications. The only thing that would need to happen is for it to become cheap enough to be viable for non-military applications. Something which will probably occur over time.

A perfect non-military example that both consumers and commercial entities could use it for would be to discourage thiefs from stealing important documents or valuables. Or how about strange and unusualy advanced games of laser tag. Hunters could use it to assist in stalking prey (although I can bet many laws would be applied to such uses as it would be something like fishing with dynamite).
ya but the flipside is it'd probably make it easier for thieves to steal said documents ..or at least breaking in/getting away

my vote or post of the day:

Javert said:
This thread is useless without pictures. :D

:laugh: your timing was impeccable :)
Javert said:
This thread is useless without pictures. :D

ROFL :laugh: :thumbs:

Edit: OK I have exclusive footage of the new stealth fighter prototype:eek:


  • fighterpilot.jpg
    23.2 KB · Views: 228
Redneck said:
ROFL :laugh: :thumbs:

Edit: OK I have exclusive footage of the new stealth fighter prototype:eek:

Lies! Films and games have taught me that when things are invisible, they always have a slight tell-tale outline.
SimonomiS said:
Lies! Films and games have taught me that when things are invisible, they always have a slight tell-tale outline.
Or cause a ripple effect.
SimonomiS said:
Lies! Films and games have taught me that when things are invisible, they always have a slight tell-tale outline.

Films and games eh? The most solid argument I've ever seen.:cheese:
You've probably watched "Predator" to many times.
The amount of Voyeur websites that will pop up when this stuff becomes comercial...
CptStern said:
this will never be a consumer product will be used by the military ..most likely for espionage/clandestine positioning of troops if you look at it that way's not really a good thing
Good so long as it remains in allied hands.
Freaking scary is what it is. 1984 isn't too far off. Once the government realizes it can beat the snot out of us without retribution, that's the end.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Good so long as it remains in allied hands.

I don't think that'll be possible. Remember the atomic bomb and the Rosenbergs.
Wait, wait, wait...

Does this mean Harry Potter isn't real!!!?!?

Seriously, this invisibility thing is awesome, you could go all stealth and stuff.
sure if it gets to sale,there will be a detector invented first
15357 said:
I don't think that'll be possible. Remember the atomic bomb and the Rosenbergs.
I don't think our current day enemies or ones in the immediate future have any intelligence/spy network anywhere near as advanced as the Soviets did. I don't think a Rosenberg type situation would happen again.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I don't think our current day enemies or ones in the immediate future have any intelligence/spy network anywhere near as advanced as the Soviets did. I don't think a Rosenberg type situation would happen again.

True. If they did, everyone would have stealth bombers by now:P
I saw one in real life (invisibility cloaks) at the WIRED NextFest they only work from a very specific angle.
They're working on something like this for battleships which will, in theory, make them completely invisible. I can't remember the details now, but they engineer the atoms so instead of absorbing photons, they "grab" the photons and swing them around then let them go at the other side, sort of like a half-orbit.
This technology is Very, very, very dangerous. No doubt there will be traitors who will be happy to sell this to an opposing government for a high enough price. Suicide bombings would become obsolete because terrorists could just put one of these of the bombs they use, attacks on civilian populations could easily become more frequent, industrial espionage and military espionage would occur at a much higher rate, why, your brother/sister could get one and when you play hide and seek with them, you would NEVER EVER find them!!!!
the_rebel_medic said:
This technology is Very, very, very dangerous. No doubt there will be traitors who will be happy to sell this to an opposing government for a high enough price. Suicide bombings would become obsolete because terrorists could just put one of these of the bombs they use, attacks on civilian populations could easily become more frequent, industrial espionage and military espionage would occur at a much higher rate, why, your brother/sister could get one and when you play hide and seek with them, you would NEVER EVER find them!!!!

That's why they vet people who work on this, to check that they aren't susceptible to bribery/blackmail.
I don't like this. Warfare should always be conventional.
15357 said:
I don't like this. Warfare should always be conventional.

Yes, we shouldn't have moved past trench warfare, and our tanks should be old spluttering tin cans. :laugh:
kirovman said:
Yes, we shouldn't have moved past trench warfare, and our tanks should be old spluttering tin cans. :laugh:

I agree except for the tanks.
kirovman said:
Yes, we shouldn't have moved past trench warfare, and our tanks should be old spluttering tin cans. :laugh:
Guv'nah! I can't be finding me spear!

- Pax
The tech is already being developed by the US military, they use meta metaerials and use electromagnetisim to change the way light interacts with the surface making the light slip across the surface of the material so it doesn't bounce back like in any ordinary circumstance.
Azner said:
Agreed so...

I already posted that pic:p .

I want an invisibility suit so I can walk around naked:naughty: