Invisible objects until close to them


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
I've got a little problem. Some small objects as bottles or cans appear only when I'm like 5 meters away from them. It just looks like this: I see a shelf with nothing on it, I approach it and suddenly objects on the shelf appear transparent and the closer to the shalf I am, the less transparent the objects get until they're fully visible. I guess it's because I'm running the game on a GeForce4MX440, but anyway I would like to know how to change it. Any commands? Ans should I install latest drivers? I heard that newer drivers don't neccesarilly mean better performance for older GPU's. I currently have the release that was before the newest.
It's to increase framerate. Don't worry, I have huge cars and everything else transparent until I crash into them :(( but I have a shit computer. Try adjusting the advanced video settings.
Its your graphics card.Doesn't it run DX7. I don't remember where I saw a comparison of DX9 Dx81 and DX7 about hl2 and there was thing that in dx7 objects disappear and comes visible when you get closer and in DX8 objects all allmost allways visible and in DX9 all objects stay visible. So get better graphics card.
i got the same video card, it happens to me, but i don't mind. its to save fps.
I learned about this command: "r_propsmaxdist #" that is said to be responsible for this. However the default in HL2 for me is 1200, the same as in CS:S in which the objects don't fade away. When I change the value it doesn't have any effect on the game (I tried 5000 and 1 and it didn't make any difference)
change the advanced options from the default for your system specs, that might sort it.. otherwise i dunno