Invisible Strider in new screenshots


May 27, 2003
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Sorry if this has been discussed before, but what's up with the new screenshots , that show some sort of distortion around where the Strider should be, judging from the E3 video? Does the Strider have some sort of cloaking mechanism that makes it invisible? Was this just to show off the new shader effects? What will those with DX8 cards see instead of the distortion? Nothing?
That's the firing effect from its gun.
Edit: and DX8 cards still have PS1.3 to show it with, question is how much it will crawl, 10 or 20 fps? :)
ehh.. that is the "pulse" weapon that strider has..
The strider has no cloaking that i can think of..
It fires a shockwave kind of beam that distorts space (obviously lol) and yes Dawdler it will most likely become a slideshow on older cards.
this is the plasma effect, you need dx9.0 card to enable it.
Yup, right you are. In fact, I now noticed the actual Strider behind the walkway with the distortion effect from firing it's shockwave weapon. For some reason I thought the Strider was in front of the walkway at that point. My bad.

I guess I'll know soon enough how it'll look. I've got an older ATI card with PS1.4. It should be ok, but I still plan an upgrade. These are the kind of effects that will really make the game shine, so it would be a shame to miss them.
Originally posted by G0rgon
this is the plasma effect, you need dx9.0 card to enable it.

Err no just DX8, but it might not look as good :smoking:
yes it's one of the e3 shaky cam videos, they might release a high res version soon.
This effect can be done without DX9. Maybe less good looking, but JK:Jedi Academy has similar effects on force push and pull, and it works on my ol' GF3.
It'll be visibile on DX8 cards, but it depends on your CPU power as to what speed it will move at aswell as Card.
Originally posted by theGreenBunny
How are you supposed to spot something you can't see? :P

With a thermal scope. Everything gives/absorbs heat and it is very difficult to get something to match exactly the surrounding ambient temperature. Therefore, something will always be a couple of degrees off and will stand out on thermal. I don't know if there's gonna be any form of thermal vision in HL2. Maybe it'll be a part of the OICW's scope... or an upgrade to the HEV suit...
Originally posted by crabcakes66
The same picture on nvidia hardware running DX8

Rofl man i was courious if anyone understood my bad english

i think that thing teleports you...i mean how else can u explain the strider dissapearing? he could easily pin you down...but still he does that freaky looking you are special to him