Invision SPAR


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
Special Purpose Assault Rifle

pc = around 2500 =(
Very very nice work. Good to see others doing non-real firearms too. Only thing that niggles me is the ejector port being on the right side. But thats just a niggle heh heh.

(It looks great, but Firegold you still suck :P)
looks great! If i had to crit it i owuld point out that the ejection slot shoul dbe on the right, un less this modle is for lefties only...
Hurray lefties!

Good looking model. Great looking actually. Think you could show us a wireframe?
aye, you'd have to make all the weapons for lefties, or the empty shells would hit the user in the face.......very nasty, other wise looks good

maybe a bit to many polies in the cylinder bits (i.e the scope and the barrel...)
the barrel has 8 sided cylinders and the scope 12
an 8 sided cylinder as scope looks a bit crappy, so that's why is used 12 =|
ok, well with the scope it looked more when i postedand the bit at the back, where you've got alot of polies used to create the extruded bit, that coud be done with a bump map couldn't it...sorry just trying to save on those polies
yea i guess it could, but i don't intend on using on i guess =|
I say if you can spare the /\'s, go ahead and put them in the scope etc... The player will be seeing that more anyway.
yeah it definately has a russian feel to it. the main receiver reminds me a lot of a Kalishnakov type weapon.

*God Damn russians, lousy commies and theyre painin the ass to model guns
lol dont say that bout the russians twisted miht hear you.
i think wht this gun needs is those cooling vents seen on the m82 and svd.
you gotta admit russian guns are a pain in the ass to model. theres never any pics of them except for the AK's. I spent more time looking for pics of the Groza than i did modeling it.
1. i found 1 pic and it was barely at an angle. One of these days i'm going down to the smithsonian or a gun museum with a digital camera and i'm taking thousands of pics put them on a CD and sell it.
Well i know this great little black market shop on the cornor of 41st and 52nd street in serbia....