Invite to GW players for party to Sorrow's Furnace

The Dark Elf

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score

Our group is currently looking for DEDICATED PvE players to join us for exploring Sorrows Furnace and Grenth's Footprint on the 7th September when its released, because its far more fun to do it with real people. It's highly likely there will be countless players trying to get into groups, many of which will fail. So we're going to do this a little different, and I thought I'd post this here seeing as there's a few GW players among the forumites. Obviously the most we can take in a group is 8, and we've filled a few places already, so not everyone is going to get in. But thats not to say some may drop out or have real life things to take care of.

Anyone is welcome providing your any good. While the majority of us are Europe based, it's no big deal switching to an international district to meet up if your US based. We don't know the exact time the area will open, so just be free around the 7th.

If your interested, reply to this thread with info about your character/s what your more experienced at and so on and someone will get in touch if you fit the bill. We can always test people by doing Thunderhead Keep and seeing how well they do :) (no we won't do the bonus, thats just unfair hehe)


- be dedicated (to the point of addicted would be an advantage :p)

- NOT be a quitter, if Death Penalty makes to run in terror or you think all hope is lost when there's only one left alive, we don't want you :p

- be ascended and your armor infused (just incase we come across the mursaat or jade or something as nasty)

- be skilled in your profession and of course level 20 (we'd like to accept lower levels but chances are its gonna be difficult even with the best players, and the monks can't be using all their time keeping lower level players alive)

- accept that we could be there for hours, not 30 minutes, not 10 minutes, HOURS.. if you even remotely think you have plans, or have to go to bed early then don't request to join. We're sticking this out as long as we can. And your wasting everyone elses time by joining then saying you have to go 45 minutes later

- Go to the toilet BEFORE we start, or during the group breaks, not as soon as we enter the area or during a fight.

- turn the phone off, turn your virus scanners off, gag your parents/significant other/kids/friends :p

- be a team player, solo players aren't welcome. Only those who know how to play as a team

- have a sense of humor and not get upset if someone gets something better than you, its just a game :)

- accept the fact the purple dressed R/Mo is better than you ;)

- know what it means when someone is calling targets

Goes without saying you'll stand a better chance if you've completed the two attribute quests. The forgotten Wisdom and Heroes Challenge

Since nobody really knows exactly where Sorrows Furnace is (though we've a good idea) its probably best you have all outposts in the shiverpeaks on your map, especially Camp Rankor and Beacon's Perch as it looks an awful lot like the entrance is via Lornar's Pass

Res signets and Rebirth - if your a monk or monk secondary, bring Rebirth. If you only have a res signet bring that BUT only use it in an emergency, as its a one shot deal and we've no idea if there's any bosses that will reset the signet, its better to only res someone if there's nobody left alive with rebirth and the other times let the Monks and /Mo's handle getting the party back on its feet.

Guild - we're probably making a special mini guild just for this, so if your in a guild your going to have to leave it temporarily and join this one. Not only cause it looks good everyone having the same cape, but also the added bonus of being able to use guild chat with everyone involved, so if you do disconnect you can easily reconnect and let the group know what happened. Once we're done you can leave the guild and return to your own.

Make sure you bring an ID kit, and atleast 1 expert salvage kit. Apparantly there's new armor/weapons and other stuff to be had, so space will probably run out if we're doing well. Though we may get lucky and find there's a merchant there or better yet an outpost.

I know its tempting, but please don't bring a pet, even if your an elite beastmaster, pets aggro at the worst possible times, and like UW/FoW one mistake could screw everything up.

NO RUSHING. simply put :p Really though, don't know whats there or what might be triggered and a rushing warrior could end up aggroing every red dot in the area.


All players
Don't accept quests unless the team agrees on them. If you don't know why this is. See how popular you are when in UW/FoW by accepting quests from ghosts or reapers when the team hasn't agreed to it :p

Most importantly

"It asks in proper english or it doesn't get healed"

in other words, respect the monks (and the purple ranger or she wont res you neither ;))
If I had acended I would come. I am currently at the desert and have pretty much lost intrest in acending as I have not been able to get a party that could help me (hydras are nasty).
I have four characters who have finished the game.. which to bring? Probably my monk i guess... fissure armor ftw..
We actually have a guild already, but it seems to be suffering from a terminal case of apathy... or ennui... entropy... or... yeah. Even so, I'm not too fond of leaving it, nor, I suspect are its other members - it would mess up the whole leadership structure and be kind of annoying to fix. If we didn't have to dismantle the guild, I know I'd be happy to come along.
Narcolepsy said:
We actually have a guild already, but it seems to be suffering from a terminal case of apathy... or ennui... entropy... or... yeah. Even so, I'm not too fond of leaving it, nor, I suspect are its other members - it would mess up the whole leadership structure and be kind of annoying to fix. If we didn't have to dismantle the guild, I know I'd be happy to come along.

Yeah I know you've got a guild.. Not very active one tho :) Though I did team up with one of the members here once and they had no clue it was me :p infact they started to chat me up (why do people assume female characters are female players lol), so I wont be mentioning their name hehehe.

I have my own but I'll be leaving that temporarily. Just switch someone you trust to leader for the duration, thats what I'd be doing. Course thats assuming we bother with the mini guild. It would make it easier to organise tho, wouldn't be for keeps since the rest of us have our own guilds we run.
i should be able to do it . .

i have 4 (ascended) char's.

mo/me20 (healer).
w/mo20 (tank/dmg).
e/mo20 (nuker [fire]).
r/mo20 (dmg and/or trapper).

i'm not in the guild, and probably won't be for awhile, though.
Sure I'll join in, from the videos there doesn't seem to be many mesmers which means my nice solo monk should be able to tank some parts. As for the leaving the guild to form a temp guild doesn't really seem to be worth it. If it's capes you want, IMO I think capes suck. As for the location of the new area, it could be somewhere south of Lonar's Pass near the statue of Grenth since he could send people to the UW from there instead of from ToA.