IOGraph, post your mouse tracks NAO


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score

Runs in the background and tracks all your mouse movements and turns it into a nice picture. Heres me after two hours:
Just downloaded. Pretty neat. Is there anyway to make the window larger? Mine is pretty dinky.
This is the perfect reason to stay up an extra hour.

The window is small, but it tracks your movement across the entire screen. Don't worry bro.
I think its from when you leave the mouse still, it makes dots that grow the longer the mouse is still. Those are from watching youtube vids etc.
I use my scroll wheel alot and it doesn't seem to count that at all. :0
So many clicks on the left side of my screen. God damn 4chan.
This was the worst reason to stay up ever.
This is very exciting. I'm gonna leave this running until about midnight, which'll be around 5 hours HOW GREAT WILL THAT BE THERE WILL BE SO MANY BLACK LINES

edit: something based around this that incorporated colour based on movement speed would be really interesting, and perhaps something that incorporated scrolling as well?!
Mine has been on for "1.7 hours". It's already pretty dark. Gonna leave it on until I sleep.
i love how everyone has a nice horizontal line at the top because they tab surf like crazy.
Fell asleep around 4am, without knowing. Now there's a big circle in the lower right hand corner. This is about two hours of activity, six hours of idle (the circle).

Can this do multiple monitors? I wanna try this at work, but I have dual monitors.

EDIT: Sweet it does. Gunna run this from now (10:15) till I leave (5:30).
Actually, there is an option for dual monitors. I dont have a two monitor setup, so I don't know how it works.
I'm starting this now. Going to run about an hour or two.
Actually, there is an option for dual monitors. I dont have a two monitor setup, so I don't know how it works.

It just works right away. I didnt have to do anything besides run it.

Do you just move your mouse from one screen to another? That what it looks like., from your lines. I thought you had to switch with a button or something.
These are like the map of the universe.
Two hours:


I have no idea what I was doing to much in the upper left corner.
Woopsie... I forgot about this thing. I went afk for like 15 minutes to make some lunch. I had this running 2.3 hours.

Viewing the spoiler gives you deep insight into my computer life!


I think I'm going to start it again, and run it from now until I go to bed, and see what it looks like. I'm shooting for 8 hours.
Mine has been running for almost 10 hours now, got another 3 hours or so to go before i sleep.
Mine has been running for almost 10 hours now, got another 3 hours or so to go before i sleep.

Wow, nice.

I noticed with mine I seem to focus mostly on the left side of the screen.

EDIT: Completely natural.:upstare:

KA's had color, we will never be better than him :(

Do you just move your mouse from one screen to another? That what it looks like., from your lines. I thought you had to switch with a button or something.

Nope, you just move your mouse off one screen and it goes on the other.

2.7 hours. Guess where I left my cursor during lunch.
Accidentally restarted the computer after 11+ hours, heres what i got:

Raz, was yours really full of those straight lines? It could be a fake of yours, but you do have the odd angled and curved line in there too.
Thanks. I never thought i could be artistic by doing the one thing i love the most: being lazy and surf the internets for hours on end.
Raz, was yours really full of those straight lines? It could be a fake of yours, but you do have the odd angled and curved line in there too.

Haha, of course it was fake. It was me spending lik 8 minutes regular, anticipating doing 8 hours... and then I was just all... hmm... let me do this ridiculous bullshit and drag my mouse around repeatedly in a bunch of lines.
My computer locked up after I started playing a game :( Heres what I had right before it though.

You don't leave your mouse around in many places for very long.