IP adresses.

Mar 15, 2005
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I need to know how to change my IP adress, and what kinds of consequences will result from changing my IP adress. Anybody know how to do it?
what kind of internet connection do you have?
I don't know if I should say this..but there are programs that can block your IP..but you can't change it..the only way to change it is to sign up with another ISP.
If you're on a laptop, can't you find another wireless network? There are about 5 within range of my bedroom.
You could always kill some random family and take their computer. That usually works for me.
if you connect thru DSL with PPPoE so connecting with a username and password, it'l be dynamic addressing so its a matter of reconnecting. but if you have cable or a DSL service that has provided you with a static ip, that being your IP address doesn't change then you would have to contact your ISP and ask them for an IP change.
Terminas said:
You could always kill some random family and take their computer. That usually works for me.
God, that Jackson guy, or whatever, must be right, that actually brought a smile to my face. Creepy.
ummm, well I have dial-up, so how do I change my IP with dialup?

But its interesting, are you telling me that if I had cable, the only way to cahnge my IP would be contact my ISP server? It's a scary thought, because I always thought that my IP adress was like the key to my computer, and that key shouldn't be possesed by anyone except me. Doesn't that mean cable ISP's can randomly go in and out of your computer without your knowledge and consent?
oh god...lol....if you have dial up your ip should be changing every time you connect. An IP address is like your house address, people can know it but they're not going to be able to get in if your house is locked. that's why software like firewalls was designed, and most people wouldn't even know what to do with an IP address in terms of hacking and what not. it's not like if someone has your IP address they type it in somewhere and have full access to your pc, unless they infected your PC with a trojan horse but that's different. ISP's don't go in and out of your computer randomly.
what if I had a trojan on my computer and I used dial-up. Will someone be able to access my computer if I reconnected and my IP changed?

And how are trojans implanted into your computer? If I formatted my computer can I be certain that the torjan will be wiped out also?
>>FrEnZy<< said:
what if I had a trojan on my computer and I used dial-up. Will someone be able to access my computer if I reconnected and my IP changed?

And how are trojans implanted into your computer? If I formatted my computer can I be certain that the torjan will be wiped out also?
To the first question: More than likely yes, depends on how well written the trojan is. The coder could have made it report to his computer with your IP. Or a poorly coded one he'd have to know your IP before hand.

The second: Trojans typically come ontop of a virus or embeded in a "free" program you download.
Yes, formatting will wipe them all out. Besides, it's good practice to format your hard drive like twice a year or so.
people would be able to connect but it would be extremely laggy cuz you have dial up, but attackers would have to know your IP and what port to connect through. trojans get on your computer by you accepting a file and trojans most commonly end in a .exe file extension, once you run it then the trojan works its magic and does whatever it was designed to do. anti-viruses should pick up most trojans anyway, but yeah if you formatted your hard drive that would take care of it but I wouldnt jump to any conclusions.
xLostx said:
people would be able to connect but it would be extremely laggy cuz you have dial up, but attackers would have to know your IP and what port to connect through. trojans get on your computer by you accepting a file and trojans most commonly end in a .exe file extension, once you run it then the trojan works its magic and does whatever it was designed to do. anti-viruses should pick up most trojans anyway, but yeah if you formatted your hard drive that would take care of it but I wouldnt jump to any conclusions.
Laggy? Chances are the attacker would just be remotly running commands on your computer or log keys, which requires only a few bytes of info to be sent.
MSDOS prompt


I dunno, been awhile since I messed with it.
WhiteZero said:
Laggy? Chances are the attacker would just be remotly running commands on your computer or log keys, which requires only a few bytes of info to be sent.
if the attacker is using a program like sub7 or any other popular trojan program, then there are lots of options including ss's of what the user is looking at, keyloggers, and other fun stuff....sending that kind of information back in terms of ss's or activating their webcam, then it would be laggy on a dial up users. but it depends on what the trojan does.
Milkman said:
MSDOS prompt


I dunno, been awhile since I messed with it.
Well, that would be ok if you were on broadband, but with dial-up he'd have to disconnect and re-login to his ISP.

Anyway, if you format or whatever, make sure you get an anti-virus program on there. Just use AVG since it's free and works pretty well. http://free.grisoft.com

if the attacker is using a program like sub7 or any other popular trojan program, then there are lots of options including ss's of what the user is looking at, keyloggers, and other fun stuff....sending that kind of information back in terms of ss's or activating their webcam, then it would be laggy on a dial up users. but it depends on what the trojan does.
Those are all options yes. But keylogging wouldent be laggy since it's text and usualy the trojan would store it in a file that the attacker would download at a later time, so he dosent have to stream it. Screenshots would be another story though, so yah. Depends on what your doing, but alot of the fun stuff dosent use alot of bandwidth. ;) (to repeat what you just said. lol)

And I feel sorry for the dial-up user with a webcam. lol
oh one more question, How, and by what means can others attain my IP adress?
>>FrEnZy<< said:
oh one more question, How, and by what means can others attain my IP adress?

I can see your IP address right now, just by you using this site. Anywhere you visit online will be able to get your IP.
Okay, so bascially, the only way someone can get access to my computer through the internet is through a trojan horse, which can only come into my computer via an .exe file. The way to counter this porblem is to set up a firewall preventing trojans from getting into my system. Right?
>>FrEnZy<< said:
Okay, so bascially, the only way someone can get access to my computer through the internet is through a trojan horse, which can only come into my computer via an .exe file. The way to counter this porblem is to set up a firewall preventing trojans from getting into my system. Right?


People can get into your machine through many exploits and security holes. If you plug an unpatched windows box to the net and leave it 20 minutes it'll be infected with something (probably a few things).

The best form of protection is a hardware firewall, and better than that is NAT routing.

NAT routers make you pretty much invincible except for trojans and external attacks (eg a DoS, router exploits, syn floods)
how do I attain a NAT router? and what exactly are external attacks/
>>FrEnZy<< said:
how do I attain a NAT router? and what exactly are external attacks/

You can buy a NAT router from any IT related store.. I wouldnt recommend it unless you know what you're doing though, because otherwise you'll end up here complaining that "steam doesnt work and what the hell is port forwarding?!"

External attacks = malicious activities targetted at you where the attacker is not on your system to begin with.
bliink said:

People can get into your machine through many exploits and security holes. If you plug an unpatched windows box to the net and leave it 20 minutes it'll be infected with something (probably a few things).

The best form of protection is a hardware firewall, and better than that is NAT routing.

NAT routers make you pretty much invincible except for trojans and external attacks (eg a DoS, router exploits, syn floods)
Five minutes...
pfft, a *nix box is only as secure as a Windows box by default. It's all down to the user to configure it properly.
Pi Mu Rho said:
pfft, a *nix box is only as secure as a Windows box by default. It's all down to the user to configure it properly.

ohh.. there are some distro's that are better than others..
bliink said:
My dog gave me a gigabyte and it megahertz
If I had enough room I would SO sig that right now.
/me sets it as his MSN message
bliink said:
You can buy a NAT router from any IT related store.. I wouldnt recommend it unless you know what you're doing though, because otherwise you'll end up here complaining that "steam doesnt work and what the hell is port forwarding?!"

External attacks = malicious activities targetted at you where the attacker is not on your system to begin with.

oh yes.... I gave up trying to figure them out.
Port forwarding is easier than unlocking a bathroom door from the outside, and that's easy.
on lan, go network conenctions ,properties of ur net connection

tcp ip properties change it there:p

if ur on dial up et dial up broadband then u reconnect

if u got cable then ur a bit buggred phone them up tell them that u got a problem with ip and if they oculd refresh it to a diff one for you!