iphone sales lackluster


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
The phone company said that it activated 146,000 iPhones on its first two days of availability, which were also the two last days of the quarter. The number of activations for the iPhone fell below expectations, which sent Apple?s stock falling 6.1 percent. Analysts were expecting 500,000 activations for the launch window.


why does this make me smile? D:
Aha! Not everybody fell into the hype...woo.
I like the iphone but seeing it fail like this still makes me laugh ^^
pwned xD
isnt the iphone the best thing that happened in the world since the invention of bread?
isnt the iphone the best thing that happened in the world since the invention of bread?

Not quite. It's the best (I really mean worst) invention since professional sports :D

I'm jk of course. (Not really.)
The iPhone is a GREAT idea, implemented horribly. That's how these go. When this becomes a standard, it will get better. Look at when cell phones were first created. They were huge/gaudy/didn't have a screen to look at/etc. Now look at them. I have faith that this idea will be great in the near future.
I have faith that this idea will be great in the near future.
What "idea"? It doesn't do anything that phones can't already do, and doesn't have MMS or 3G which basically means it'll browse the web a 56k speeds. The only good thing's the interface.
I would never, ever, dial numbers on a touch screen.

Steve Jobs should kill himself if he had anything to do with that idea.
The iPhone is old-tat with moar shiny and "I have a small penis".
I thought it was expected personally, too expensive.
I love the new condensed commercial
"there's never been an ipod that can do this or this or this or for that matter this". You lose iphone.
We've got our cellphones that can go on the net, answer calls, and and even play music for under $600.
You wanna know why? Price. I guarantee it was because they underestimated their market's pockets.
Sometimes the womenz overestimate my market :(
iPhone = Fail

PS3 = Fail

Therefore, by the transitive property, iPhone = PS3
What "idea"? It doesn't do anything that phones can't already do, and doesn't have MMS or 3G which basically means it'll browse the web a 56k speeds. The only good thing's the interface.

I guess you don't realize how important an interface is.

All an iPod (was, because now with video/photo functionalities is grew to be something bigger, but older iPods are nothing special) is an interface.
iPhone = Fail

PS3 = Fail

Therefore, by the transitive property, iPhone = PS3


PS3 = A lot of multimedia crap for a GAMES CONSOLE
iPhone = A lot of multimedia crap for a MOBILE PHONE

I guess you don't realize how important an interface is.

All an iPod (was, because now with video/photo functionalities is grew to be something bigger, but older iPods are nothing special) is an interface.

Actually all iPod was is a slick marketing campaign pushing some crap that's no better than any other mp3 system out there yet making it seem like the second coming.
Truth be told, iPods are still full of problems. Yesterday mine decided to erase its own hard drive for no apparent reason, and I'm gonna have to spend the better part of an hour or two getting all the songs back on it, since my hard drive isn't nearly big enough to store all the music on it.