iPhone: Yay or Nay

What do you iThink about the iPhone?

  • I bought one and I love it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
So the iPhone has been released. I haven't really followed this much, but since my friend was able to buy one for 250 bucks and a $10 a month service plan, I've been a bit interested. What are you're thoughts on this "revolutionairy device?"
I hate it, do you really need all that crap in your phone? Why not just buy a pocket PC... F*ck..

An MP3 player in your phone is as far as it should go, you don't need touchscreen, TV and all this stuff..
Nay. It seems cool but I already have a cell phone that does what it's supposed to.
Good products, horribley overpriced, but they can cuz people still buy it so they do. They're smart.
Its all right, I'm not that bothered really. I might pick one up cheap if I find one.
iPod, iPhone, iTV.

I used to have an XDAMiniS which did everything this does, and more. Last year.

A couple of years before that, I had an XDA2, which did everything this does, and more.

Seriously, what's the big deal with this?

I just get annoyed with the fact that everyone thinks that they need everything in one nowadays. A phone is used to phone people! Not to watch videos and listen to music! (besides most people have iPodds for that anyway)
A wonderful way to distract you when you're driving.
It seems nice, but I don't plan on buying one myself.

There's no option for me to vote on :(
Too expensive for something that does the same thing as stuff I already have... I think the internet viewing is pretty impressive though. I saw his entire presentation once. Its.. A PHONE.. AN INTERNET DEVICE... AN IPOD!!! OMG, My phone already does all three of those...
"I hate it, I hate Apple, I hate Steve Jobs, I HATE ALL" in conjunction with "I don't see what the big deal is".

I just get annoyed with the fact that everyone thinks that they need everything in one nowadays. A phone is used to phone people!

Why, exactly? Why is it wrong to combine features into one device? Can you give me an argument for that or is it just based on a feeling of "hurrr I wanna be different from everbody!"? You don't actually NEED a phone at all, just like you don't NEED a camera in your phone, but it is damn handy. What's wrong with that? What about an alarm clock feature in your phone, redundant too because "phones are for calling"?
I have both a Cell phone and a Vision M. No need to spend $600 to have them fuse together.
I think the iPhone is pretty slick and shows off the technology well. But it is too expensive and impractical for anything but showing off. I would never buy one because I want my phone to excel at being a phone. I don't want to depend on a mini computer for such a simple task.
I'd be WAY too embarrassed to bust one out in public. At this stage in time, they just OOZE "rich ******".
i dont see the huge deal about it at all. i mean many palm pilots have the touch screens and crap. the only huge difference that it has to any other phone is the 8gb drive.
giant384 said:
the only huge difference that it has to any other phone is the 8gb drive.

iPorn anyone?
I saw in the news that people camped in line to get it

sure those call nerds the people that do the same while waiting for a videogame
I saw in the news that people camped in line to get it

sure those call nerds the people that do the same while waiting for a videogame

people didnt camp in line because its just a phone people camped in line because of the hype and bragging potential.
"It's cool, but my ingrained hatred for Apple prevents me from admitting to liking it". I don't see myself buying one anytime soon though.
I voted "I will kill somebody to have one" even though i don't mean it thus ****ing up the poll.

Glorified touch screen organiser, absolute waste of money. More of a fashion accessory and a good incentive to get mugged imo.
What? No one thinks the iPhone is cool? Sure it's not worth the money, but it is a slick piece of technology.
What? No one thinks the iPhone is cool? Sure it's not worth the money, but it is a slick piece of technology.

"fock yeah is ZLICKX coz yo touch it ant it goes like WOah WOah WOah!! and is da PHONE!! a PHONE!!!1 IT MAKE PHONE CALLS!! WHERE YO GO LIEK "wats up" AND WOah!!"
Walking around with a $500 bill strapped to the side of your face isn't what I call a "good" investment.
What? No one thinks the iPhone is cool? Sure it's not worth the money, but it is a slick piece of technology.
Slick, sure. Practical, not really.

It's quite a wanker phone. I don't think I could take anyone seriously that owned one and used it regularly.
I think it's just a "look what I can afford" item.
The only new thing on this phone is the beat up Apple has given it. If it's stuck on AT&T in Australia they might as well shoot them selfs now.
I didn't like any of those poll options :|

I'd vote for the "It looks really cool but I'll probably never bother getting one" option
Mission objectives: destroy at all costs.