iPod question


Jun 22, 2006
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I'm thinking of getting an ipod, but a friend of mine says that you can only put songs on their that you've bought from iTunes, and it's impossible to get torreneted songs. True or false?
I thought it was songs from iTunes could only be used on an iPod... which consumer advocates are saying "is ghey" and "Apples stupid ololololol".
I'm thinking of getting an ipod, but a friend of mine says that you can only put songs on their that you've bought from iTunes, and it's impossible to get torreneted songs. True or false?

You can only put songs on that are on your iTunes, so take a downloaded song and put it in iTunes and you're set
Or just use Winamp for that like I do.
Completely false! Now give me your Ipod
You can only put songs on that are on your iTunes, so take a downloaded song and put it in iTunes and you're set

We have a winnar.

All your torrented songs will transfer onto the iPod perfectly fine.
I'm thinking of getting an ipod, but a friend of mine says that you can only put songs on their that you've bought from iTunes, and it's impossible to get torreneted songs. True or false?

Beat your friend to death please.
well he's half right. you can only add songs to your ipod through itunes. HOWEVER there are a few tools online that let you use the your ipod like a normal flash drive so you can drag and drop files normally.
Don't get an iPod. Get an mp3 player that actually plays a decent amount of filetypes and has way more space for half the price of an iPod.

Don't be a slave to advertising.
Don't get an iPod. Get an mp3 player that actually plays a decent amount of filetypes and has way more space for half the price of an iPod.

Don't be a slave to advertising.

ipods are actually pretty cheap in comparison with most stuff. you can get a ipod 30g for the same price as a 10gig creative zen here
i would rather get a zune or a creative: m then an ipod. its your choice though
ipods are nice, but the warranty and support are crap. i bought one for my wife for her bday a few years ago, and it broke a year later. we sent it to get repaired, and apple sent it back saying it wasn't broken... and it still didn't work. and we had to pay shipping. bastards.

we now have a creative zen and are perfectly happy with it.... not being restricted to itunes for a media library is nice.
I bought my girlfriend the iPod nano last year and she was all excited to have it. After playing with it for about an hour it got boring. Theres not much to it - its a simple mp3 player. She uses it pretty often but its not like "OMFG TIS THING ROCKORZZZ".

And no, you can import any mp3 or wma song you want into iTunes (in fact, it REALLY wants to do it automatically on install).
Most of my music is downloaded via torrents and it all works fine on my iPod. As mentioned previously the only drawbacks are that the warranty and support for iPod's is appalling.
I have a 2nd Generation iPod, and it still works fine! I'm hoping it's gonna be worth something someday. I still have the box and everything.


PS: Not actually my iPod
thats 3rd generation ^^^
i still have my 1st gen haha and there it is next to my zune.
Not true. And you don't even have to use iTunes - I use floola when I'm using Ubuntu - it loads much quicker than iTunes and supports music, videos and podcasts. Just doesn't support photos, yet.

decent amount of filetypes and has way more space for half the price of an iPod.

Like what? A Creative Zen Xtra at 2002 prices?
well he's half right. you can only add songs to your ipod through itunes. HOWEVER there are a few tools online that let you use the your ipod like a normal flash drive so you can drag and drop files normally.

??? don't talk about ipods if you don't own one please.

You have to import songs to the iPod through iTunes, but as you can add any mp3s you have on your PC to your iTunes library it's not a limitation. Also, the iPod functions as a removable hard drive just fine... when you plug it in, in addition to being able to use it to sync with iTunes, you can also drag and drop any file onto it like a removeable flash disk, it shows up in My Computer.
Does the fact that this thread hasnt been locked mean hl2.net condones the downloading of music?!

Uhh, that's because you're comparing it to a 30 gig and not a 60 gig video.

Also, It's appropriate that this thread it between a thread about a girl getting her dog's head in a box and one about a woman beating her boyfriend with her baby.
You can get the same for less. 30 gig version of vision m.
Can you get something more that is half the price?

Maybe? Stardog was exaggerating. You're an idiot if you haven't realized that.

My point was exactly what i said. Plus the 60 gig vision m is only like 20 bucks more than the 30 gig ipod. By paying 10% more you get 200% the amount of product.

My point was exactly what i said. Plus the 60 gig vision m is only like 20 bucks more than the 30 gig ipod. By paying 10% more you get 200% the amount of product.

I don't care about that, what you've mentioned is irrelevant to what I've asked. I want to know if someone can prove this:

decent amount of filetypes and has way more space for half the price of an iPod.

And anyway, a double-sized HD is not "200% the amount of product", it would be if we were only talking about hard drives. The capacity isn't the only concern when buying an mp3 player.
Maybe? Stardog was exaggerating. You're an idiot if you haven't realized that.

Yes, exaggerating and lying.. I'm calling him on it, because not everyone reading this thread will realise he's exaggerating. Okay?
Er, rein that in right now.
I really don't like misinformation, especially technology misinformation. The guy's making up stuff about the alternatives to the iPod, and that's unhelpful.
To answer the "GET A CREATIVE ZENS" thing, the big reason I'm getting an iPod is because my Zen just broke. That, and iPods are a gazillion times sexier.
To answer the "GET A CREATIVE ZENS" thing, the big reason I'm getting an iPod is because my Zen just broke. That, and iPods are a gazillion times sexier.

the design hasn't changed since the 1st gen... lol