iPod question

I don't care about that, what you've mentioned is irrelevant to what I've asked. I want to know if someone can prove this:
"decent amount of filetypes and has way more space for half the price of an iPod."

wtf are you dumb or what? so you will choose something over ipod only if it has way more space for HALF the price? :laugh: So if its double space and better specs with same price its not ok right? :dozey:

To answer the "GET A CREATIVE ZENS" thing, the big reason I'm getting an iPod is because my Zen just broke. That, and iPods are a gazillion times sexier.

For every 1 zen that brakes, 10 ipods do. Plus after two weeks of use it looks like you bought it 10 years ago and wiped your ass with it.
The "sexier" thing is a matter of taste.
Oh really? My iPod Nano BLACK looks brand new, I just don't stick it up my ass everyday
I'm thinking of getting an ipod, but a friend of mine says that you can only put songs on their that you've bought from iTunes, and it's impossible to get torreneted songs. True or false?

If you get an iPod, install rockbox on it.

Love rockbox. Can't stand the default firmware.

As for scratches, baby socks work really well as covers. Mine looks brand new still, and it's what, approaching around 6 months old or so?
My iPod's screen dosen't show up except for the middle right, a blue crack thing is down the middle of it and it runs out of battery after 20 minutes.
I've had My Creative Zen for 2 1/2 years with no problems at all. I've dropped in on hard surfaces many times. Battery life is still 20+ hours.
wtf are you dumb or what? so you will choose something over ipod only if it has way more space for HALF the price? :laugh: So if its double space and better specs with same price its not ok right? :dozey:

No I'm not, but you are making stupid assumptions. Where did I say anything about my buying preferences? You're reading too much into what I'm asking, I just want the fella to prove his assertion.
No I'm not, but you are making stupid assumptions. Where did I say anything about my buying preferences? You're reading too much into what I'm asking, I just want the fella to prove his assertion.

I'll answer it for him. No there isn't anything half the price of the ipod that has much more features but there are players with a similar or lower price that offer much more, isn't it obvious? :rolleyes:
Yes, I'm perfectly aware of that. But what he was saying harks back to the days when the price difference was much greater than it is now, and he was perpetuating something that isn't quite true anymore. But to be honest, I don't think there are many players that offer much more...
Yes, I'm perfectly aware of that. But what he was saying harks back to the days when the price difference was much greater than it is now, and he was perpetuating something that isn't quite true anymore. But to be honest, I don't think there are many players that offer much more...

You dont need many, you need only one :)
I love my ipod. And for those who say the support sucks: 1) While I've never personally had to us Apple's support, I've heard nothing but good things from friends who have, 2) any time you're spending huge amounts of money on an electronic device like an iPod, spend the extra $60 and get an extended warranty. At the store where I got my iPod photo almost two years ago, I paid $60 and if the iPod breaks, or the battery dies, or anything at all goes wrong, they give me a brand new one of my choice as long as it's the same price as my original, no questions asked. The battery died on my photo last year, I brought it in, they gave me a 30gig Video, I paid another $60 for a warranty. So basically, as long as I don't mind shelling out $60 every two years, I get a brand new model ipod straight off the shelf (granting that the battery or something else dies within two years, which it will)
Someone mentioned "don't be a slave to advertising." Dude, the ipod is just an all around great mp3 player. I bought mine because it works as a portable hard drive and plays mp3s, and I only paid $300 for it. Someone else said they got their girlfriend one and it got boring after an hour. It's not meant to entertain you, it's meant to play music. Buy a game boy or something