

Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
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is it possible to transfer music from your IPOD to your COMPUTER? in other words the other way around?
I believe so. I have a creative MP3 player and it is basically a folder where I drag and drop whatever I want into and from it. I would say yes, but having never used one of those overpriced MP3 players I wouldn't know.
yes it is. Im not sure if its possible with iTunes, but i use ml_ipod, an extenstion for winamp that allows iPod compatibility. That does enable iPod to computer transer
Glirk Dient said:
I believe so. I have a creative MP3 player and it is basically a folder where I drag and drop whatever I want into and from it. I would say yes, but having never used one of those overpriced MP3 players I wouldn't know.
Are you talking about the Creative MuVo?
If so, do you know how to turn off the stereo sound? Ive been trying to figure that out for a while.
well ok i got winamp and the ml_ipod thing. now how do i transfer the songs off the ipod to the comp?
Wtf, ml_ipod? :|

You just go to my computer, show hidden files in the tools>options>advanced menu, and theres a folder in there with all the songs in it there.
doesnt the coimputer consider it as a removable device?
im thinking of getting one of these to use as a usb/mp3 but if it cant do that 20gigs is way to much.
If you allow windows to display hidden files, your music can be found when you have the ipod in removable drive mode. I've found all my MP3s there, but I haven't actually tried moving the mp3s back onto my drive...

Edit: they're found under


but the mp3s are compartmentalised in about 50 different folders with no apparent logic as to what order they're in. Also, their filenames are truncated (the ipod software presumably doesn't like long filenames) I transfered one file to my HDD and it worked under itunes fine.

oh and: a disclaimer. If your Ipod fooks up, it isn't my fault.

Edit 2: only now do I see that Crushenator beat me to it. How foolish i feel :D