Iran Launches Photoshopped Missiles, US, Israel condemn warmongers/photoshop artist


May 5, 2004
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1 day ago: In a handout picture released on the news website of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, four long and medium range missiles rise into the air after being test-fired at an undisclosed location in the Iranian desert on July 9, 2008. Iran today test-fired a missile it said is capable of reaching Israel, angering the United States amid growing fears that the standoff over the contested Iranian nuclear drive could lead to war.


take a closer look at the above photo:


perhaps they'll photoshop themselves a nuclear arsenal so that the US will initiate a regime change

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iran regime continues to photoshop some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."

George Bush March 18, 2008

"Every day President Ahmadinejad remains in power with photoshopped chemical weapons, biological weapons, and the development of nuclear weapons is a day of danger for the United States."

Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-CT, July 4, 2008
I heard that adding a even just a pinch of photoshop to your chemical weapons increases the death radius by around 15%

I just cant imagine how Iran got hold of such a powerful substance.
perhaps they'll photoshop themselves a nuclear arsenal so that the US will initiate a regime change
"Every day President Ahmadinejad remains in power with photoshopped chemical weapons, biological weapons, and the development of nuclear weapons is a day of danger for the United States."
oh, man, I laughed so hard
...Do they really even know what photoshop is? Thats very sad... Yeah, a picture of missiles that don't exist is a huge threat to national security... :rolleyes:
ya cuz the sandn*ggers dont have computers hardeeharhar
Oh lordy lord.

What'll they think of next?
Pixel power puts graphic artists at the forefront of political intrigue and command increasing salaries.
I read that in the original photo one of the missiles malfunctioned
they photoshopped that one to function properly

ctrl + t, turn 360 degrees, click to place art, ctrl s
In the end, I hope they know that this does them more harm than good, because in the event of a war with a foreign nation whose equipment actually works, their equipment will work, but only after photo manipulation.
If Iran just photoshopped itself class IV tachyon shields, America would be soo screwed!
though iran is not a weak country in armament

they build various of theyr stuff, many of them copy of american things like helicopters and some others things lie vehicles that the previous goverment have acquired by the USA,though most of it is in not such a good state so they take good care of those
like the airplanes f14 which the USA and iran where the only operatives and since the usa discarded theyr f14 now iran is the last one to have them
is a old airplane of the 70(is the airplane of topgun) but is better that the airplane of some neigboring countryes

infact theyr armed forces are composed mostly of american hardware like airplanes and helos

though they have made models of theyr own,one being the sheheg or somehting like that that is a modified copy of a f5(a 60's USA airplane that is still widely used but outdated) that they say is better that a f18 which off course shouldnt be true

funny thing is that they painted theyr shaeheg in the same colors of a air demostrantion team of the USA called the blue angels

USA bluem angle f18

iranian shaegeh

It's true, their military is decent, but I think the truth is, in the event of a war with the US, that their military would be completely demolished fairly quickly and easily.

Stealth bombers are really no joke and would take out airstrips and identify and possibly destroy anti-aircraft, while mapping their locations.

Then the US can take out anti-aircraft missiles and other major targets with long range missiles from sea or again using bombers using GPS reconnaissance data.

Then come the tanks that can destroy their tanks from a safe distance. They're tanks don't have the artillery range to make any kills there unless they have them hidden underground or something - which surveillance may already have revealed.

Don't forget that the US troops are some of the best trained and equipped in the world and have years of recent combat experience and include commanding veterans of several recent wars.

The only problem for the US is money and will - of course that works both ways. Iran will need money as well.

Wouldn't this be a traditional style war - the type that the US excels in, and takes out in a matter of days or weeks if need be?

I'm no military expert, but that's just my guess.
Doesn't Iran have better people to do Photoshop? I mean, seriously, the average nerd could do a better job than that.
Doesn't Iran have better people to do Photoshop? I mean, seriously, the average nerd could do a better job than that.

somewhere in iran

Abdul come here at once, show the Caliphate what you can do with your computer box

Most gracious Caliphate I have in our possession a most powerful tool called Photoshop. It duplicates Missiles! Observe!

Allah be praised the americans will never suspect anything, Alert our agents on the Internets send word to the american press that we are launching hundreds of missiles at Israel ...oh and Abdul, does your photobox computer duplicate dancing girls because there's this one .....
somewhere in iran

Abdul come here at once, show the Caliphate what you can do with your computer box

Most gracious Caliphate I have in our possession a most powerful tool called Photoshop. It duplicates Missiles! Observe!

Allah be praised the americans will never suspect anything, Alert our agents on the Internets send word to the american press that we are launching hundreds of missiles at Israel ...oh and Abdul, does your photobox computer duplicate dancing girls because there's this one .....

It's refreshing to see you being so universal in your ire.