Israel plan nuclear assault on Iran

The only way for Israel to avoid being condemned by the international community would be to wave the white flag and give up their women and children. The international community can go **** a tree when it comes to Israel.

Actually I think a complete unconditional withdrawl from Palestine might well do the trick.
The last time Israel withdrew from the West Bank as a sign of goodwill, the Palestinians moved in and used it as a staging ground to launch rocket attacks on Israel. **** Palestine.
Withdraw and pass over control to the UN for an interim period then.
Ahh, the UN, weren't they supposed to do exactly that... only in Southern Lebanon, as part of the peace agreements, each time?
Withdraw and pass over control to the UN for an interim period then.

The UN is a useless sack of shit. Israel has every right to hold on to the West Bank in order to prevent further attacks on their civilians.
The UN is a useless sack of shit. Israel has every right to hold on to the West Bank in order to prevent further attacks on their civilians.

Ah Diddums did the nasty Mister Polokov, punch a great big hole through all your arguments? Did he make you throw your rattle out of the pram? Ah isn't he just so so cruel to poor, poor Israel.

Please the UN record for peace keeping might not be perfect, but it's far better than the IDFs record when it comes to human rights violations. As for holding onto the West bank, you can argue all you want about the need to defend your citizens, but the argument falls down when it comes to the subsequent colonisation you've been carrying out in those territories all these years.

If your arguing that the occupied territories are some kind of buffer zone, then explain why on earth you've built numerous Jewish only settlements and roads throughout them? (over 250,000 settlers now) Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to move your own citizens into what your military consider a designated danger zone does it?

Also exactly who are you defending your citizens from? where is this great threat coming from? With the 5th most powerful army in the world at your disposal I'm failing to see why you remotely need to exist beyond your national borders, given none of your neighbouring states even in tandem, remotely possess the ability to beat you in a land war. Let's also not forget that your the only Country in the Middle East with Nuclear weapons, and then even if one of the arab states were to obtain Nukes they would never fire on fellow Muslims or the cradle of Jersusalem given it's revered holy status in the Muslim world. All the talk of the Iranian Nuclear threat is BS of the first order in that respect.
Ah Diddums did the nasty Mister Polokov, punch a great big hole through all your arguments? Did he make you throw your rattle out of the pram? Ah isn't he just so so cruel to poor, poor Israel.

No, you give yourself far too much credit. Making a fairly random, asinine suggestion is not the same thing as punching a great big hole through all my arguments.

Please the UN record for peace keeping might not be perfect, but it's far better than the IDFs record when it comes to human rights violations. As for holding onto the West bank, you can argue all you want about the need to defend your citizens, but the argument falls down when it comes to the subsequent colonisation you've been carrying out in those territories all these years.

If your arguing that the occupied territories are some kind of buffer zone, then explain why on earth you've built numerous Jewish only settlements and roads throughout them? (over 250,000 settlers now) Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to move your own citizens into what your military consider a designated danger zone does it?

Also exactly who are you defending your citizens from? where is this great threat coming from? With the 5th most powerful army in the world at your disposal I'm failing to see why you remotely need to exist beyond your national borders, given none of your neighbouring states even in tandem, remotely possess the ability to beat you in a land war. Let's also not forget that your the only Country in the Middle East with Nuclear weapons.

What the...? Why are you talking to me as if I'm an Israeli?
People have referred to me as an American on here too many times to count, which is bad enough, but an Israeli? Can't you read my location?
It seems that you have completely ignored Nemesis' post on the history of Gaza and the West Bank, thus knowingly making your arguments based on a false premise - I'm not going to bother with you.
Contrary to popular belief, Israel does have the right to defend itself.
@Kadayi Polokov , Its not black&white Israel is not holy or evil.
From Israel's pov, after countless wars fighting for its existence, Israel has started to trade land-for-peace, trading resource-rich Sinai for peace with Egypt.
Same with Jordan, and it would have been the same for Lebanon if Syria and Iran didn't assassinate, pillage and utilize their puppet organizations to derail peace. Funny similar puppet organizations are controling Palestine...
Considering there's little value in Palestine other than negative-PR, billions in army costs for a piece of land with no infrastructure and hardly any resources, the "annexing land" argument doesn't sound logical compared to the downsides, and those Jewish religious retards and settlers most likely contribute, but are definately not the sole cause of this whole crisis. Its a cluster-**** of a lot of trouble, imo mainly the "existance of Israel not being accepted by several countries, who then in return incite trouble wherever they can. Just trace the paths, they almost always lead to Syria and Iran", and "Israeli religious Jewish people feeling its their right to rule over the holy land" aka Zionism.

As for "the largest army fear nothing", lets not forget 4th generation warfare has defeated numerous 100x more powerful armies.
Read up on "the war of attrition" as to how Arab countries fighting Israel switched from conventional wars, might be interesting.
All in all, I'm not saying "its all the Arab's fault" or that they are "evil", not at all, its just more complicated and deep than 99/100 people know.

I'd agree with you Israel should withdraw to the '67 borders, but imo there should be conditions to it. Regular conditions that are only natural (and any area seeking peace would impose): cease of hostilities (peace) and recognition of Israel.
Yet, I'd be beyond surprised if for instance Hamas would ever accept this, since their goals are the exact opposite.
I'd agree with you Israel should withdraw to the '67 borders, but imo there should be conditions to it. Regular conditions that are only natural (and any area seeking peace would impose): cease of hostilities (peace) and recognition of Israel.
Yet, I'd be beyond surprised if for instance Hamas would ever accept this, since their goals are the exact opposite.

With real self determination (not the sort of hamstrung deal Arafat got offered) I think that a UN overseen Palestine state would work over time. Were talking about a people who've been shown nothing but the stick for so long (40 years) most of them don't know of anything else. It's natural that emnity is high at present, and will be for some time, but to continue down the present road is madness of the first order.

Don't get me wrong btw, I don't condode violent actions by any side. What I see clearly though is a case of a people under military oppression, and that oppression must end.

repiV: Don't skip to avoid questions. If you're going to argue for a cause then you have expect to be treated as representative of that cause. That you're in London doesn't mean twaddle. Questions have been raised, answer them if you can, or throw in the towel.
What baffles me is why you care so much about the freaking Palestinians.
You blame Israel for a problem that they didn't cause, and expect them to fix it by jeopardising their own security to help out a group of uncivilised people that murder or attempt to murder Israeli civilians on a regular basis.
Even though they tried this once before, and got thanked by having their cities bombarded with rockets.
These same Palestinians that use women and children as human shields in combat and blow themselves up in city centres to kill as many civilians as possible.
When Palestinian civilians die, it is a time of regret for Israel. When Israeli civilians die, the Palestinians dance in the streets.
Yet somehow, the Big Lie of the peaceful Palestinians is propagated and Israel always gets the blame.
The Palestinians don't deserve shit, and Israel certainly doesn't owe them anything.

repiV: Don't skip to avoid questions. If you're going to argue for a cause then you have expect to be treated as representative of that cause. That you're in London doesn't mean twaddle. Questions have been raised, answer them if you can, or throw in the towel.

WTF? I'm not avoiding any questions at all, I'm pointing out to you that I'm not an Israeli. Would you like me to refer to you as a jihadi ****stick for being a Palestinian apologist?
Your questions are based on incorrect information. You can't just throw bullshit out there, despite having been previously corrected, and then demand answers.
LOL, you truly are a poor excuse for a human being if the best you say to justify Israels continued oppression is that the Palestinian people are uncivilised and don't deserve shit. Not being an Israeli (something your so big on stressing) I have to wonder how it is that you can feel so confident in your scathing assessment of an entire people. Did you meet them all? Carry some kind of Civilisation test? Would you perhaps like to have them all sterilised because of their lack of civility to stop them from breeding future barbarians?
"Oppression". :laugh:
Man, your utter cluelessness cracks me up. I can live with being a poor excuse for a human being who actually has a point. What I couldn't live with is being an ignorant schmoe. Get a clue.
What I couldn't live with is being an ignorant schmoe.

Well you're doing a bang up job so far. You've failed to directly answer any points, and you've brought up no valid arguments to defend your position. Good luck in the real world, your going to need it when you get out of Kindergarden. ;)
Well you're doing a bang up job so far. You've failed to directly answer any points, and you've brought up no valid arguments to defend your position. Good luck in the real world, your going to need it when you get out of Kindergarden.

Utter nonsense. Nemesis corrected you on your rewriting of history, and yet you still choose to be ignorant. You have no position to defend, because your entire argument is based on lies and falsehoods.
And you say you condemn terror but support the Palestinians, which is amazingly hypocritical considering their popular support of Hezbollah and Hamas, who put their women and children in the line of fire so that dimwits accuse Israel of mass murder. Who intentionally target Israeli civilians via rocket attacks and suicide bombings.
I'm doing just fine in the real world...I happily work nonstop 12 hours a day and make a small fortune in the process. How are you doing in the real world?
No, you give yourself far too much credit. Making a fairly random, asinine suggestion is not the same thing as punching a great big hole through all my arguments.

What the...? Why are you talking to me as if I'm an Israeli?
People have referred to me as an American on here too many times to count, which is bad enough, but an Israeli? Can't you read my location?
It seems that you have completely ignored Nemesis' post on the history of Gaza and the West Bank, thus knowingly making your arguments based on a false premise - I'm not going to bother with you.
Contrary to popular belief, Israel does have the right to defend itself.
He made a great point actually that you failed to address.
He made a great point actually that you failed to address.

What point was that? Furthermore, why should I bother to address any of his points when he doesn't even have the courtesy to admit when he is wrong?
I don't blame him for believing the shit he does about Israel and Palestine, it's a worryingly common misconception; one I myself used to hold. I blame the media.
But he's been shown to be completely incorrect by Nemesis and he carries on as usual. It's an issue of simple respect.
The only questions I've asked in this thread have been addressed to you, and you've failed to answer them, and your buddy Nemesis hasn't answered them either. Hell I've put a tonne of questions to him in another thread and he's skipping on the answers just like you have. I'm not the least bit surprised your working 12 hours a day, your clearly too ignorant to land yourself a well paying job that doesn't eat up your entire life. ;)
The only questions I've asked in this thread have been addressed to you, and you've failed to answer them, and your buddy Nemesis hasn't answered them either. Hell I've put a tonne of questions to him in another thread and he's skipping on the answers just like you have. I'm not the least bit surprised your working 12 hours a day, your clearly too ignorant to land yourself a well paying job that doesn't eat up your entire life. ;)

I don't really care if he's skipping on answering your asinine questions - the fact remains that he is right and you are wrong. There's no debate to be had. Go and check your facts.
There's no such thing as a well paying job that doesn't eat up your entire life. Not when "well paying" is defined as the potential to earn well over 100k. So, what do you do for a living? Or are you still in high school?
I don't really care if he's skipping on answering your asinine questions - the fact remains that he is right and you are wrong. There's no debate to be had. Go and check your facts.

The sun coming up over the Horizon is a fact, your opinion and your friends shaky arguments are not, and nothing will alter that particular fact regardless of how much you think you earn.
The sun coming up over the Horizon is a fact, your opinion and your friends shaky arguments are not, and nothing will alter that particular fact regardless of how much you think you earn.

Well, you believe whatever you want to believe, if it makes you happy. You can even believe that history is down to one's opinion, if being ignorant is what floats your boat.
Why are you so obsessed with what I do and what I earn, anyway? Despite not having volunteered a single bit of information about yourself - because you're probably still in high school, and you know you don't have the work ethic to cut it in business.
Not through my want I'd like to add. I've asked questions and expected answers, instead I've just received abuse.

Actually, you started the abuse, beginning with your very first reply to me, continuing through calling me a worthless excuse for a human being right through to insinuating that I'm still in nursery school and mocking me for being hard-working (which really shows what you're all about).
In any case, allow me to remind you of the purpose of debate. It is to find solutions to problems, answers to dilemmas - NOT to argue over whose version of history is correct. You don't know your facts, so LEARN them.
In any case, allow me to remind you of the purpose of debate. It is to find solutions to problems, answers to dilemmas - NOT to argue over whose version of history is correct. You don't know your facts, so LEARN them.

Do you honestly think that putting words in BOLD makes them any more meaningful or truthful?

Also do you honestly believe the weight of a mans opinion is measured by the the money in his wallet? Paris Hilton must surely put you to shame if that's the case.

You say a debate is about proposals to problems, well I have delivered one, and one that OME seems to support, IE the unconditional withdrawl of all Israeli troops and settlers from the occupied territories and the establishment of a UN peacekeeping force in the area until such time as necessary. So far I've yet to see your proposal to the palestinian issue.
Do you honestly think that putting words in BOLD makes them any more meaningful or truthful?

Also do you honestly believe the weight of a mans opinion is measured by the the money in his wallet? Paris Hilton must surely put you to shame if that's the case.

What the bloody hell are you talking about? Which words did I put in bold? Where did I say anyone's opinion was measured by the size of their wallet?
Stop changing the subject.
Actually, the only person who has bolded any words here is you. Are you intentionally using the bait and switch?

You say a debate is about proposals to problems, well I have delivered one, and one that OME seems to support, IE the unconditional withdrawl of all Israeli troops and settlers from the occupied territories and the establishment of a UN peacekeeping force in the area until such time as necessary. So far I've yet to see your proposal to the palestinian issue.

How to resolve the situation in the Middle East is a valid debate. However, that's not actually what we've been discussing here. I'm not willing to dignify you with such a discussion until you understand your history properly.

Oh well, bedtime. I have to get up at 5:30 to go to my lucrative kindergarden...