Iranian "Paris Hilton" actrice sex tape scandal! lol


Jan 17, 2006
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Dunno if this has been posted but:



She has been dubbed Iran's Paris Hilton after appearing in a sex video on the internet.

But while Paris's exploits propelled her to worldwide stardom, Zahra Amir Ebrahimi faces ruin, a public lashing and even a jail term.

Ebrahimi is one of the best-known actresses in the strict Islamic country and made the 20-minute sex tape privately with her boyfriend on a camcorder at the flat they shared two years ago.


On a more serious note, its pretty sad, since now she risks jailtime and whipping by the Government for not only sex in public, but showing up in public without a veil, and sex before marriage. :S
Apparantly she attempted to commit suicide shortly after the leak, as she didnt know she was being taped (ORLY? :p).
Hmm, if anything they should punish the "boyfriend" who taped her and leaked the video.
Ah well in a country where Man = King and women = less than dogs, they most likely wont, though there seems to be a big outrage and the general public is actually defending the actrice.
She should immigrate to the states :p, where she can join Paris Hilton in fame :angel:
I see the Hollywood wax has made its way to Iran. Very good.

I do sense an impending lock coming on. And removal of that link. That's pure pr0n, Vince.
Public lashing? What a retarded culture.

Wouldn't mind Paris Hilton get a public lashing though..
The video was poor, and the sound was horrible. Whoever made this needs to go learn how to direct. I might watch the sequel, assuming the woman lives long enough to make one.
I can't believe I watched <almost> all 26 minutes of that crap.
The internet isn't for porn. Off with her head! FOR ALLAH!

that video is full blown pornography. you shouldn't post that stuff here. There might be kids watching.
ahhahaha, you addicts... how was the show, lol
Another reason why religion should be banned, or at least separated from state affairs.
But with sex outside marriage strictly forbidden in Iran
Sounds like a fun country. No wonder Muslims are going on suicide bombing runs, nobody's getting laid! :naughty:
Sounds like a fun country. No wonder Muslims are going on suicide bombing runs, nobody's getting laid! :naughty:

There's more truth to that than you might think (consider the promised 72 virgins)
