Iraqi al-Queda militants will behead you if captured ...

craigweb said:
... unless you are Muslim and promise hand on heart to denounce your allegiance to 'the enemy'. Am I the only one who finds this groups extremley 'selective' nature to be totally pathetic? Almost racist you could argue.
they're murderers and terrorists, and you're concerned that they might be too selective? mm.. okay...

anyway, it's a good PR move on their part, perhaps they saw this as an oportunity to "win some hearts" or something among muslims in the region. it's also possible that turkey gave them something for the release of the captives. i'm wondering what will happen to the muslim US soldier that they kidnapped.
These people could care less about 'racism'. Its very prominent over there, and they don't view it like we do.
Don’t act lightheaded around people like those.
They are attempting to intimidate the US into pulling out, when in reality all it does is cause hurt and pain. As much as I don't like the fact that we're there, people like that sicken me.
I would just go in there and flex my big Janet Reno muscles and they'd die. That or football charge them.
LittleB said:
What would anybody need a head for anyway?
yeah.. i mean, you're living proof that one doesn't need a head to begin with.. :)

*ba dum bah!*
the al-qaeda have kept 3 muslims hostage, last time i watched the news, turks.